matrix reloaded reloaded to the maxxxxxxxxx
matrix reloaded reloaded to the maxxxxxxxxx
Matrix Rebooted
And i know a lot of thought was put into a reply like this Anon
Now seeing that kuba2021 so far only has one post, so i am figuring "A" you embarrassed the shit out of him/her/other!!! or "B" you scared the living shit out of him/her/other LOL!!!
Either way it was a priceless post, A++. It would be tough for Idol to top that, but i am thinking his would have Nazis and Jewish people in his scenario, with a mention of Winston Churchill, and he will slip in Darth Vader and Storm Troopers
Last edited by shaina; 09-07-2019 at 04:44 AM.
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money
Far from it, I only had to follow recent trends in entertainment
Note that I'm okay with all of the aforementioned minorities (except ISIS, hurr durr). It's the fact they're used as tokens, just for the sake of "progressiveness" and sometimes straying wildly from established character portrayals, that I have a problem with. If 007 is suddenly a black woman just because Hollywood thought that would be cool now, that isn't very respectful to women or blacks
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
The Matrix: Laserdisc
Ironically to a large degree Black people also find that sort of appropriation for appropriations sake offensive. If you want a black mermaid then create one from scratch that's really the way to show respect. Black Panther movie still sucks balls though but the emperor's got no clothes good reviews aspect of that is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
Respect my lack of authority.
Just waiting for this
The Matrix: Regurgitated?
Matrix: Retired
Matrix Resolution .. lol or Matrix: Cross Product