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Thread: I just PMed...

  1. #81
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    I can tell you i have blown many [...]literately sucked [...] the cone [...]completely
    It was always fun [...] at 3am in the morning

    Just imagine [...] the [...] nuts i tell you!!!!
    Fox News: We report, you decide!
    Whats wrong buddy, meds not working anymore?? Worried your vote for a left wing Government, that will attempt to give you fictitious freebies won't come true??

    Its amazing seems you are tired of people posting here because people don't agree with your fantasies on how a country should run, yet you instigate??

    Lets get a few facts for you smart guy that you actually live in the US but a wee bit Dense!!! Things cost money and Rich people are not going to subsidize you, work Harder for your family is all i can tell you....

    Next Fox News... So far they are telling more truth than any of your left wing nonsense news or whatever you want to call the outlets you go too....

    Next... You do have some common sense and know that the Republicans are never going to impeach a Republican President nor should Trump be impeached with zero evidence that the Dummy Democrats have and you do know what Partisan and Bipartisan means right, I assumed they showed that last vote being partisan and actually 2 Democrats voted with the Republicans and when it goes to a true Impeachment proceedings that the Senate controls it right?? ... But hey keep going and your vote for the Democrat fairy tale tellers are going to lose worse!!!

    It's all a farce and a complete waste of time and Tax payers money!!!, That is what you should be concerned with!!!

    And my proof is showing that the leaders of the Democrat nominations are showing that all the Communists nominees are losing in the poles, but a guy that can't remember his name for fuck sake is leading ,and more are coming in to the race because they know not one of them can beat Trump, even if the DNC uses Russia and Ukraine and even the FBI (facts coming out now buddy!!)to try to beat him , and even Obama is telling you to smarten up and think of everyone and not just a small amount of Left wing nutbags, even if you are one. Most Democrats are Moderate and so is a big block of people undecided that can be swayed if the Democrats have real ideas and a agenda, not fantasy ones that will never happen and you dummies are not looking that Trumps approval rating is getting higher, and really it is your fault....

    Even more Proof!!!, how were the ratings for the last DNC debate, you better take a look at that and start thinking!!! Hanities ratings blew it out of the water!!! what does that tell you about the American people and the 63 Million that did vote for Trump, and that is getting bigger!!!!

    You should be watching more Fox News because so far they are the only ones that are telling the truth what is going on in the US, and around the world!!!, you don't see any of that anywhere on your left wing news sites because all they talk about is Impeachment fantasies, and even when you watch all the Russia shit!!! What Fuckin Happened!! Zilch!!!

    You are my friend, and i only wish you health happiness and prosperity, and You want changes, shut the fuck up and go vote in 2020 and hope your vote counts. Because anything else you speak of in politics all i see you type is fantasies and bullshit that never happens or never will, everything you hear and they are promising now won't exist by a Democrat nominee voted in for the 2020 election!!!. Especially if you want to get the Trump voters in tight voting states from 2016...

    Your friend Shay
    Last edited by shaina; 11-23-2019 at 06:56 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #82
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    For you to think about Meg, and others....I know you won't reply to my other post with any substance or common sense...

    I can tell you and i find it really strange, especially even in Canada.. We ourselves have a Green Party here, and if you watched all the Left Wing Media Outlets and how they televised all the Environment and Green shit like in the US the Green New Deal, and they show tons and tons of people in these rallies, and i said wow!!! that seems like a lot of votes that should count in an election??

    Well the Green Party here got what in the elections?? They call it historic that they won fucking 3 seats across the whole country!!. So i ask myself what is really important to the people of a Country??

    Again i do think it is important but more important than the Economy, not a fucking chance!!!!!

    Now on Fox News and more liberal moderate news stations without agendas, broadcasted a Biden rally (Did you fucking see it Meg!!), and there were a bunch of people protesting, saying they want no borders or security, they want to tear them all down!!!.. So Biden asked one of them What about the immigrants that commit violent crimes!!!?? Should they be deported!!!???? Biden Being fucking realistic of a fucking Countries Sovereignty and security!!! How did the protester reply??!!!
    I am wondering if people are actually thinking about those things?? And if Mexico has no Borders What about Canada??
    Do we all think that the Borders between Canada and the US are just to protect the US?? Do you think Canadians want to remove the borders or the security??
    If you remove those borders?? Does that mean you won't need security at the Airports or Train Stations next?? Where is the line drawn??

    And really a very big question??!!! Before Ukraine and Trump were mentioned together on left wing news outlets!!! What fucking average American even knew or fucking cared about Ukraine??!!, better yet are they fucking happy that the US is giving 400 million tax paying dollars in fucking aid to them!!! Where is the benefit to the US!!!. The fucking truth!!! it is a much bigger threat to Europe than the US yet the US gives them way more funding!!!! That does not sound right to me!!!
    And that Ukraine seems to come up with the cash to purchase Anti tank javelins from the US!!!, and you should thank Trump and kiss his ass, and hope he is charging a good buck to make up for the Tax payers were charged before this bullshit impeachment and had no fucking idea Ukraine was getting. Or really even fucking cared!!!

    That is the truth!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 11-23-2019 at 07:40 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #83
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    So there...
    I can say anyone that wants to keep skunks as pets, sincerely has a screw loose or watched too many cartoons with Pepe Le Pew in them

    Monte Montgomery and Rush have extreme talent no question, but Rush i have seen many times live, but there shows don't come close to the same entertainment KISS gives.....

    This was interesting and never expected


    No -

    And I don't keep skunks, I just like animals.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  4. Lounge   -   #84
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    For you to think about Meg, and others....I know you won't reply to my other post with any substance or common sense...

    I can tell you and i find it really strange, especially even in Canada.. We ourselves have a Green Party here, and if you watched all the Left Wing Media Outlets and how they televised all the Environment and Green shit like in the US the Green New Deal, and they show tons and tons of people in these rallies, and i said wow!!! that seems like a lot of votes that should count in an election??

    Well the Green Party here got what in the elections?? They call it historic that they won fucking 3 seats across the whole country!!. So i ask myself what is really important to the people of a Country??

    Again i do think it is important but more important than the Economy, not a fucking chance!!!!!

    Now on Fox News and more liberal moderate news stations without agendas, broadcasted a Biden rally (Did you fucking see it Meg!!), and there were a bunch of people protesting, saying they want no borders or security, they want to tear them all down!!!.. So Biden asked one of them What about the immigrants that commit violent crimes!!!?? Should they be deported!!!???? Biden Being fucking realistic of a fucking Countries Sovereignty and security!!! How did the protester reply??!!!
    I am wondering if people are actually thinking about those things?? And if Mexico has no Borders What about Canada??
    Do we all think that the Borders between Canada and the US are just to protect the US?? Do you think Canadians want to remove the borders or the security??
    If you remove those borders?? Does that mean you won't need security at the Airports or Train Stations next?? Where is the line drawn??

    And really a very big question??!!! Before Ukraine and Trump were mentioned together on left wing news outlets!!! What fucking average American even knew or fucking cared about Ukraine??!!, better yet are they fucking happy that the US is giving 400 million tax paying dollars in fucking aid to them!!! Where is the benefit to the US!!!. The fucking truth!!! it is a much bigger threat to Europe than the US yet the US gives them way more funding!!!! That does not sound right to me!!!
    And that Ukraine seems to come up with the cash to purchase Anti tank javelins from the US!!!, and you should thank Trump and kiss his ass, and hope he is charging a good buck to make up for the Tax payers were charged before this bullshit impeachment and had no fucking idea Ukraine was getting. Or really even fucking cared!!!

    That is the truth!!!!
    Firstly, never trust anything that contains the line "That is the truth". Especially if there are multiple exclamation points.

    Secondly, forgive Meg for thinking that there are some fights that still need to be fought even if you realize you are going to lose. I fear for your grandchildren should they ever be attacked by a large child molester.

    Thirdly, I'm a small man with a small brain but I'm fairly sure you are supporting indentured servitude here, m"Lord.
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Things cost money and Rich people are not going to subsidize you, work Harder for your family is all i can tell you
    Greed is having more than you need and still not being willing to part with any of it.

    Also considering the putzes you are supporting you have the gall to say that Meg is "instigating"?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  5. Lounge   -   #85
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Any referencing of guitarists that doesn't contain Gary Moore or Mark Knopfler needs to rethink itself.

    Also any video of Shakira that isn't this is just in bad taste.

    Respect my lack of authority.

  6. Lounge   -   #86
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Firstly, never trust anything that contains the line "That is the truth". Especially if there are multiple exclamation points.
    Really, so there was no truth to either of my post??

    Secondly, forgive Meg for thinking that there are some fights that still need to be fought even if you realize you are going to lose. I fear for your grandchildren should they ever be attacked by a large child molester.
    I don't understand the ignorance of this comment, other than taking sides, and making hypocrite comments.

    And if you did really read my post, did it say anything about his ability to post his opinions?? Or ever wish him harm like you just did to my family!!

    Even having thoughts like you mention shows ignorance, and wanting bad things to happen that don't agree with your views or thinking.

    That deserves a Really!!!!.....

    Thirdly, I'm a small man with a small brain but I'm fairly sure you are supporting indentured servitude here, m"Lord.
    All i get is you have a small brain when it comes to things that the majority of people really think is important.

    Greed is having more than you need and still not being willing to part with any of it.
    How much is enough??, and what gives you or anybody the fucking right to say or think what is??, Wrong country you speak of comments like that buddy.

    Also considering the putzes you are supporting you have the gall to say that Meg is "instigating"?
    So who should i support?? Your views and opinions?? That sounds kind of Socialists with a touch of Communism, something i never figured i would see from you..

    Do i ever tell you personally or anyone here what to think?? But you are trying to tell me i am wrong and you are right??

    I would assume that Proof would be needed for anyone to be found guilty of something?? The same when you watch any media outlet and watch a trial and no the difference between the law and what can be used as evidence and what is considered conspiracy theories right??

    That works for both sides of every trial "Really?....... Really??. I do know that Trials that occur and seem to be one sided usually happen in Communist Socialists countries!!!.. I don't remember the US being one?? Did that change??

    Again i will repeat, because the world is changing, and not all for the best (my opinion), from the Beginning or even before Trump was sworn in, the Democrats wanted to get rid of him!!.
    Do you agree with that Idol??

    Next. Because they have nothing to sway the voting population either way, it is not working, because the majority of people are happy in the US, again not everyone, and be real!!!, you will never please everyone!!!.

    Now when it comes to foreign policies, every President or party has there views, and in the end the President is the fucking boss Really?? Yes Really....
    Now saying that.... Most Americans really don't give 2 shits about foreign policy, unless there is US military troops involved. Aid or support is given to so many fucking countries for so many years, and Trumps philosophy is if the Country can afford to pay they fucking should!
    Next, Trump is the one that is finally saying that if the Country that is getting the fucking Millions or Billions, they should be supporting the country that is giving it right!!. How many don't!!, Do you want the list??.
    And those countries that the US does give you and don't agree with the values of US, do have other very wealthy allies and because they see the US give all that money, they laugh and don' give a fucking penny to help out there fellow Brothers, you do understand that right??
    So trying to show you the concept of Trumps America first and why the 63 million people voted for him and he won by a landslide!!!
    Fighting wars for years and never seeing a rainbow or in my opinion are not interested in changing there ways or don't want a Democratic Society!!!...
    Why the fuck is the US giving money?? Especially if they give it and they are still disliked?? You don't think those countries should be soliciting the Rich countries that do support the way they are running there countries??

    And Really, do you find it "Hypocritical", that the Democrats and Left wing nutjobs are so worried about Ukraine and the US keeping it safe Democratic Society, but in the US they want to change it to a Socialists Communists Dictatorship, and have government control everything??

    If you have a legitimate answer for that , i luv to hear that ??

    Now really think about this!! There is not one fucking President or Prime Minister or a fucking Country that doesn't want something in return for the aid they give!!! Please tell me you are not that obtuse. How many Billions or Military did Obama give and was not approved by the House or the Senate?? Again the rights of the President, but he also has to live with the consequences if there is any. And in the end of the Obama presidency do you want a list that Trump stopped the aid and no one knew nor gave a fucking shit!!! Only if it helped a phony impeachment will any of that come out. You know not for corruption reasons or political reasons..
    Even say Ukraine is important to the US, but not even close to the threat Europe sees from Russia...
    How about the Democrats showing some interests in there actual borders?? Oh wait the nutjobs that will never be the DNC nominee don't want any borders, and even know Trump is fixing it without any fucking support or Left Wing media saying fuck all about it now!!
    They can't give the Republicans any positives because it will fuck up there narrative how bad Trump is. Again that works for both sides whatever side has the Presidency and doesn't have the Majority in the House and Senate..
    See the difference!!! I admit that both sides do it!!! That is fucking Politics Idol. And everything was such a crisis, yet the House is taking there Thanksgiving vacation , What a fucking joke!!!

    And there will be a lot more proof of that coming out in the months from Both fucking sides,

    And that is a Truth Really Idol !!!
    Last edited by shaina; 11-23-2019 at 05:26 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #87
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    I can tell you i have blown many [...]literately sucked [...] the cone [...]completely
    It was always fun [...] at 3am in the morning

    Just imagine [...] the [...] nuts i tell you!!!!
    Fox News: We report, you decide!
    Allowed by rule 6 of the forum, but still very much NSFW:
    Spoiler: Show

    I see what all the fuss is about now
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  8. Lounge   -   #88
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Also any video of Shakira that isn't this is just in bad taste.
    Are you thinking that her ass has more talent than here voice..
    Last edited by shaina; 11-23-2019 at 05:41 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  9. Lounge   -   #89
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Fox News: We report, you decide!
    I see what all the fuss is about now
    Have you never downloaded this Anon?? I can tell you they report real Truthful news not like Fake News CNN or MSNBC and there affiliates

    Attachment 183583

    There is even a Male version of this for Idol
    Last edited by shaina; 11-23-2019 at 05:39 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  10. Lounge   -   #90
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    And if you did really read my post....
    Like everyone else on internet forums my attention span is basically a couple of sentences or a meme.

    Take I take the Fifth?
    Respect my lack of authority.

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