I was wondering what the current take on private nzb's that link to password protected files? To me, this is just a money making scheme that greed has cooked up. over the past 5 years i have seen a huge proliferation of these files. It does not impact me (other than band width loss) because i can always find an unencrypted alternative but for noobs, noobier than me this is just frustrating.
My biggest problem with this is that long after these people(the encrypters) are gone from the scene these files will litter newsgroups, driving the immediate gratification crowd away from usenet. We need the continual new blood or else i foresee an american presence death in usenet. Do a cursory scan of most binary groups and you'll find dutch, german, italian, russian, portuguese, spanish and look an english language nzb ( oh shit the downloaded file is password protected).