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Thread: I Read this in a Forum.......

  1. #71
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    So you are blaming *all* of the world's H1N1 deaths on Obama, shay? That doesn't seem fair.

    I can't bring myself to discuss this with you any further. Hope you and your family are safe and comfortable.
    NO!!! I never said anything of the sort Meg!!!, the same i don't put all the blame on any government except the source of the virus!! They are the ones not containing it right.....

    H1N1 did not originate from the US!!!!. I pointed out to you how someone reported it that's all!!! Hong Kong rings a bell for that virus does it not??!!!

    Really where did you get i blame Obama for anything??.. If anything no matter who is in the White House there is going to be deaths!! That's all....

    Again they are showing more and more that sometimes even using data/science it is wrong!!! Again are they to blame for everything??? No!!!!

    What is that old saying buddy, you learn from your mistakes??

    Again don't deflect on my actual question!!!! That is what fake news does!!!!

    I asked you what do you think should happen now??!!!

    You can't stay at home anymore, have you watched the real news, big companies are going broke buddy!!!, and that means a lot of people are losing there jobs.....

    Now it is coming to light that the China virus is not going away but the fatalities/curve is leveling off or going down, and again every death is fucking terrible Meg, but staying home is not going to stop it now.....

    But by no means am i saying anyone is to blame other than the source of this.....And them not telling the truth or better yet not letting anyone investigate....

    But funny i tell you this yet you will blame Trump and that is ok that is your opinion and great you can think like that right

    And thank you for your concern on my families well being, that is appreciated buddy
    Last edited by shaina; 05-24-2020 at 08:43 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #72
    Gribley's Avatar On a hate list
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    Is there a summary of suspicions? (I`ve not been following)

    I can see the idea of it being a BIO-wep in that it targets rather too specifically but then that could be a really adaptable viri living on as their primary concern is.

    Me: I think it is man made as 'very' specific but it could just be a clever little RNA git.....
    Last edited by Gribley; 05-24-2020 at 09:57 AM.

  3. Lounge   -   #73
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribley View Post
    Is there a summary of suspicions? (I`ve not been following)

    I can see the idea of it being a BIO-wep in that it targets rather too specifically but then that could be a really adaptable viri living on as their primary concern is.

    Me: I think it is man made as 'very' specific but it could just be a clever little RNA git.....
    Of course it was man made, be it for research purposes or for a reason of medical purposes in the future, and it was in a test facility in Wuhan China!!!...

    And the plot thickens, knowing that the research was funded by the US and Canada...

    So it goes back to my point Gribley that this should have been contained in Fucking China and the blame or the buck stops there!!!, and the WHO organization was full of shit all the way through this!!! You know claimed scientists!!!!, but if you have scientists, that have bias of the side that the virus origin started from!!!, what good is that???
    And this fucking WHO organization is funded by all of the UN members!!!! Not just fucking China!!!!

    Yet this all started by a bat or some fucking exotic animal they fucking eat in a wet market where this said animal was never sold, and it was not contagious but yet it started from one person infected and spread all over the fucking world!!!!

    Now even the retarded Left Wing shitbags should be able to put 2 and 2 together to really figure out some parts of the truth!!, even months after moderates and conservatives have...

    Now the same can you blame the people in charge of Italy!!!, do you ever hear anything in the media about that!!?? And really you shouldn't, who the fuck knew or was really prepared for something like this!!!.

    Now the virus is here and there and everywhere!!!. It is going to do what it was invented or meant to do!!, now what?? Keep everything closed and starve a democracy capitalists country?? Is there really proof that did save lives?? People go to the grocery stores, go to pick up there fucking weed!!!, go kill babies !!!, well??

    Wear a mask, wash your hands, keep people with any elders with illnesses at home , all the rest go to fucking school, camp, daycare!!!, and the rest go to fucking work!!!!...

    You are going to see people that will get the China Virus with no symptoms at all!!, and then they will not have it anymore, and that is not a fucking medication!! it it takes 2 weeks or less so be it!!!.

    You see my splash screen!!! Read it and understand some of the agendas that will benefit Left Wing Politics if people stay home!!!!.. But Government handouts can't and won't lasts!!. Money doesn't grow on trees!!!...

    Time to go back to work!!!

    Or if someone has a better idea?? Please show us here??
    Last edited by shaina; 05-24-2020 at 10:44 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #74
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Ok lets play a game.......

    This is the original post.....

    "The Liberals quietly took over the colleges, government institutions, media, and the court system from within and this judge is a direct result of those efforts.
    They started laying the foundation of corruption, control, and population manipulation from within the system as you and other people unwittingly financed their ideology.
    The Liberals don't believe in a "Fair" democratic society, they only use its systems to gain power against the people who built it to further their own agenda and to circumvent/manipulate the Law and Constitution to satisfy their will.
    The war for them is to gain control of the Supreme Court so that can sidestep legal accountability, destroy their enemies, and control the population without impediments to their cultural and global ambitions."

    Now lets make a change....

    "The Conservatives quietly took over the colleges, government institutions, media, and the court system from within and this judge is a direct result of those efforts.
    They started laying the foundation of corruption, control, and population manipulation from within the system as you and other people unwittingly financed their ideology.
    The Liberals don't believe in a "Fair" democratic society, they only use its systems to gain power against the people who built it to further their own agenda and to circumvent/manipulate the Law and Constitution to satisfy their will.
    The war for them is to gain control of the Supreme Court so that can sidestep legal accountability, destroy their enemies, and control the population without impediments to their cultural and global ambitions."

    Which one is really right??
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  5. Lounge   -   #75
    Gribley's Avatar On a hate list
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Time to go back to work!!!

    Or if someone has a better idea?? Please show us here??
    No better idea

    All un-lockdown but more will die but the rather specific group will not.... at some point unless they release v2.0 then it will run a course. I am too fat, so I could in theory have a 33% higher chance of kicking the bucket on v1.0 (assuming I'm not so fat that I can`t kick a bucket... if I can`t am I immune?).

    Well hope everyone's pensions were invested in drug companies as fairly sure working out well for them...

  6. Lounge   -   #76
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    Of course it was man made, be it for research purposes or for a reason of medical purposes in the future, and it was in a test facility in Wuhan China!!!...
    "COVID-19 not man-made, comparative genomic study finds".

    Look up Scripps Institute and tell me it's fake news.

    Honestly, as far back as February experts were saying the gene sequencing didn't bare the marks of being man-made.

    To be fair this doesn't exclude the possibility that some "accident" may have occurred in a Chinese lab, only that none of this is intentionally.. unlike Trump just signing an executive order to try and remove all possible health and safety regulations "impeding" business. I'm not a famous scientist but I'm pretty sure that removing certain regulations to limit polluting will kill more people than the corona virus but hey as long as rich people can still buy yachts that's the really important thing now isn't it?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  7. Lounge   -   #77
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribley View Post
    Well hope everyone's pensions were invested in drug companies as fairly sure working out well for them...
    Well i do know most of the drugs that are out there now that they are testing are not being charged....

    I would think the same if there is an actual vaccination that will be free as well, and i mean the US, Canada, UK, Israel...But again if i do remember they did say they were going to do that with H1N1 virus, and that never hit the public......

    Not sure with the rest of the country?? Someone would have to vouch for that..

    Well weight if you are saying you are a diabetic or have issues like heart, kidney, liver etc, sure, but if you are just over a few pounds like most of the population and your insides are sound, then you won't have any issues buddy. And not to reveal anything personal as you know i wouldn't but you are too young, and Idol will tell you being ugly doesn't affect you, even if you like men

    Like have you not gone grocery shopping or driven somewhere, again if you chose to wear a mask??

    Again everyone should be cautious and follow guidelines, and once they get less and less then back to some sort of normalcy we will go.....

    And of course i hope all is well with you and your family buddy.......And you know which parts i am talking about
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #78
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    Of course it was man made, be it for research purposes or for a reason of medical purposes in the future, and it was in a test facility in Wuhan China!!!...
    "COVID-19 not man-made, comparative genomic study finds".

    Look up Scripps Institute and tell me it's fake news.

    Honestly, as far back as February experts were saying the gene sequencing didn't bare the marks of being man-made.

    To be fair this doesn't exclude the possibility that some "accident" may have occurred in a Chinese lab, only that none of this is intentionally.. unlike Trump just signing an executive order to try and remove all possible health and safety regulations "impeding" business. I'm not a famous scientist but I'm pretty sure that removing certain regulations to limit polluting will kill more people than the corona virus but hey as long as rich people can still buy yachts that's the really important thing now isn't it?
    Only i quote fake news everything you post is real and legit Idol LOL!!!..

    Highlighted area i totally agree with you, so China should admit they fucked up and the end with it!!!! Instead of millions of dollars in investigations and finding out the same conclusions..So what happened to the Wet Market Theory ??? Considering that was reopened pretty fast!!!

    Or.. What someone brought the exotic animal from the lab to sell and make extra cash???

    Or.. The Chinese Government told them to release the virus??

    Or... Trump told little green men from your home planet Uranus used there cloak technology to break into the lab and leave the exotic animal in the Wet market??

    Or... We will never know the truth, but it came out of the lab in Whohan China, and how it got out really doesn't make a fucking difference!!! It got out and killed al lot of people all over the fucking world!!! Origin China, it was China's responsibility to contain it and they didn't!!!! And it is not the first time they have done this either!!!!.. Accident or not!!!!

    My son is a biomedical engineer!!!, what are you a mad scientist of quotes from Galloway and Churchill . The same with myself you can read 10 different sites and you get 10 different answers!!!

    Common sense from a person that does know a little about research and dealing with contagions.....

    The virus origin was not the Wet Market Idol!!!, but it was spread from there, chances from a human that had the virus not an exotic animal that they sold in the wet market, especially the animal under suspicion was never sold in the market, ever !!!and that is located in Whohan China!!!!..... And the Chinese Government did fuck all about it to stop the spread outside there country!!!!End of story.. And happen to have a stockpile of masks for themselves!!! The rest we will never know the truth!!!

    Plus isn't that what i said happened?? It came out of a lab that us in Canada and the US fund for research, and yes you could say it was man/woman made for research, but it was not supposed to be released to kill people!!! Better??. And i should add that China is under a lot of pressure from the US and the Tariffs they have to deal with, plus the deal with the US farmers?? Perfect time to release a virus and fuck up everyone's economy isn't it, and kill many to boot. And give the WHO organization 2 BILLION Dollars to investigate, and ONLY the full of shit corrupt (Anything connected to the UN is corrupt and bullshit !!)WHO organization is allowed..

    Ya that sounds legit doesn't it the WHO organization to investigate

    A real intelligent question for ya Idol....

    Do you really believe any numbers/reporting of deaths or people that contracted the virus coming out of China?? A very simple Yes?? or No?? would suffice

    The rest of your Bla Bla Bla!!! sure whatever you say, and i just heard that Trump is going to announce he has a cure for cancer what negative are you going to say about that now . Why don't you blame Trump for all the deaths in senior homes in NY?? That is his fault too??

    Funny you never complain about Trudeau?? Is it because he tries to be a fake Left Wing shitbag??

    My buddy has got a pretty big boat he docs in Muskoka, i wouldn't call it a yacht?? But boy does it suck gas!!!!. And really not my cup of tea

    On a positive note......

    Reminder for Golf Fans.....Woods/Manning vs Mickelson/Brady Today 3pm

    Easy over 10 million dollars for help with people hurting from the China Virus
    Last edited by shaina; 05-24-2020 at 03:52 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  9. Lounge   -   #79
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    So is this on any of your sites you go to Cabby?? (Being serious)
    Yes. You know, Some left-coast elitist socialist bunch of anarchists that rely on public money. Good thing Donald is actively defunding them.

  10. Lounge   -   #80
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribley View Post
    Is there a summary of suspicions? (I`ve not been following)

    I can see the idea of it being a BIO-wep in that it targets rather too specifically but then that could be a really adaptable viri living on as their primary concern is.

    Me: I think it is man made as 'very' specific but it could just be a clever little RNA git.....

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