this one is scary the first time you see it...color blind test
this one is scary the first time you see it...color blind test
This one is a great one too!
LOL I like it but not quite as good as the scary one
It scared shit out of me
lol not scary i did 2 other ones... one was LOOK AT THIS PICTURE CLOSELY, n it was like put ur face to teh screen... n den itz a black n white of a dead person... n another was a haunted house... sigh all these wack stuff
When i did that i was wearing headphones
dat must suck in a way... since itz extra loud* in a wayOriginally posted by I_DONT_SHARE_PORN@13 February 2003 - 01:36
When i did that i was wearing headphones
lol damn i had my volume on full..scared the sh!t outta me!
fuck Derby County
DAAAAMN that freaked me out...shit