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Thread: Half-life Problem

  1. #1
    I need help. I updated my Half-Life to the latest version, but after a week or two, it says i need to update my tfc (since thats all i play). when i click for it to update, it says my half-life is at the latest version! so now i cant play tfc nemore since it tells me to update before it connects to a server. i already checked in Sierra's website but it doesnt say nething that helps. i talked to my cousin and he has the same problem with his tfc too. got any ideas on how to fix this? thanks.

  2. Games   -   #2
    did u dl the game or buy the real thing>

  3. Games   -   #3
    its a legit version. got it wiht sum other expansions in the platinum set.

  4. Games   -   #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mine just start saying i need to update as well lol. Looks like its there prob anyway when i try it again it works so i can still play

  5. Games   -   #5
    Yeah that happened to me tonight playin Counterstrike, i waited a while and it worked. i have Hl ver and counterstrike

  6. Games   -   #6
    Hi all,

    I am a member of a TFC clan called The [OGF] the onlinr gaming fanatics. Please visit our web sit at , now to get back to the problem in hand. The answer to your question is a simple one if you know all about WON master servers. The server checks you unstall to see if you are up to date, even if you are sometimes it will give the error mentioned above. The reson for this is a fault with there servers not with your instalation. if you have a look at our links page you will find a program called server info this utill is class and can help you with you problem on occassions.

    efter for now and remember dont stand on the fucking pipes


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