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Thread: Microsoft Hidden Folders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I have Windows 98SE and it really pisses me off to see all those hidden folders in the Temp folder or Temporary Internet Files folder.
    There is no way to get to these folders unless you search for them in 'Search Files & Folders' or use the browser's address bar.

    My question is: can I completely wipe out all these files and folders?

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    i wouldnt do that if i were u. those folders store all of the cookies and data from wut u see on the net. and also, the folder would probably come return after u delete it since ur comp stores everything u see from the net.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Long Island, NY
    You can delete the folders in the temporary files folder. Just don't delete the Content.IE5 that holds those hidden folders. All that is in them are copies of what is in the temporary files folder (not hidden). 98SE sucks for deleting those files, ME will allow you to delete them all at once for some reason. I know that 98SE is better than ME though.

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    98se has the least bugs... itz like supposedly "the perfect windows" althought itz like really old now....

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    If you delete Content.IE5 , windows will recreate it on next boot.

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    Originally posted by DataMore@13 February 2003 - 00:50
    I have Windows 98SE and it really pisses me off to see all those hidden folders in the Temp folder or Temporary Internet Files folder.
    There is no way to get to these folders unless you search for them in 'Search Files & Folders' or use the browser's address bar.

    My question is: can I completely wipe out all these files and folders?
    yes u can deleat every thing in both the windows temp folder and the window temp inet folders dont deleat the folders them selfs just whats in them
    if u want to be able too see them from windows explorer the go to

    My computer-> click on view-> folder options-> click the view tab
    and find where it says hidden files. under that click the show all files option and ull be able to see the folders in winexplorer

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    Originally posted by Soul814@13 February 2003 - 00:58
    98se has the least bugs... itz like supposedly "the perfect windows" althought itz like really old now....
    i dont know about "the perfect windows" but it is the most stable build out right now
    save for maybe win 2000 pro but that more of a server then a user frendly OS even workstation is prity much just for accesing the server
    BTW did u hear that the gen NT(what 2000pro is) is supost too finaly have a jornaling file system about time!

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by QuietSilence!@14 February 2003 - 02:06
    save for maybe win 2000 pro but that more of a server then a user frendly OS even workstation is prity much just for accesing the server
    Win 2k Pro isn't the server version of Win2k, it's for normal users (i use it myself and lvoe it, will never go back to Win 9x).... And Win2k Server, Advanced Server and DataCenter Server are the server versions

    BTW did u hear  that  the gen NT(what 2000pro is) is supost too finaly have a jornaling file system    about time
    And yup, that's true and is another one of the reasons the NT kernel is so much more stable..

    And to be ontopic now..
    You can safely delete the Content.IE5 folder (I delete mine all the time) and it'll get recreated automagically

  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    Supernatural's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    New York
    Haven't you guys ever heard of Windows XP?!?!?!

    It's possible to veiw the hidden folders without having to "search" for them. In the folder options, make sure hidden folders are veiwable. And it's perfectly safe to delete temp files. I don't think it's such a good idea to delete the actual folders themselves, like Quietsilence said.

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10
    Originally posted by Supernatural@14 February 2003 - 10:32
    Haven't you guys ever heard of Windows XP?!?!?!
    See if I remember correctly it has several dravbacks.
    It's huge
    It has so many things in it that you will never use that it is hard to find what you want in the begining.
    It isn't as stable as win 2k or 98.
    There are more things but I thend to forget things I dislike.

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