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Thread: Sim City 4

  1. #1
    is there a sim city download that actually works? and if it does and it's not an executable, how do i make it work?

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    ya buddy.. there is, check @ it there. It is in bin/cue format. just downolad and burn w/ nero.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Your Moms House,Texas
    Or you can download it off kazaa in .ISO format and burn that , which ever is easier

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    i downloaded it and burned it but nothing happened

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    try and find a faq on whatever file format u chose to download, there is a good guide on what to do w/ bins and cues on this web site

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Basically, do exactly this... its what i did and it worked great
    Get a copy of nero from kazaa
    download sim city 4 gimpsrus version
    it should come with two cues, two bins, and a .nfo
    go into nero
    go to file : Burn image
    locate one of ur cue files (this is going to be on two cds so one cue goes on one cd)
    select the cue, NOT THE BIN, and click open
    burn the thing but make sure it says disk at a time it think, not track at a time
    the cue will automatically match up w/ the bin and there is one cd done
    Now go ahead and do the same thing w/ cd 2.
    Ur done
    Sorry if it is to basic, but i wanted people to give me the step by step when i first started out.

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    By the way, the serial numbers are in the .nfo file, just open it up with notepad to view it

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    njs12345's Avatar Poster
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    Nov 2002
    inside your head, and you can't get me out, mwahahaha
    Could someone who has loads of sources for the gimpsRus version please tell me the IP of their supernode.
    My supernodes don't have it, i left autosearchmore searching for Simcity 4 gimpsRus all night and it didn't come up with anything

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Your Moms House,Texas
    Originally posted by parasite21@12 February 2003 - 20:37
    i downloaded it and burned it but nothing happened
    Nothing happened because you dont know how to burn an .ISO, or you burned the .ISO and the game wont run b/c of copy-protection, try a no cd crack @ www,


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