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Thread: Offensive 2021

  1. #11
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post

    That last is crap, sorry.

    The Left media in America is an echo-chamber.

    Over there, the Globe and Mail is only "Right wing" relative to the rest of your media.

    Nonetheless, if that is YOUR primary consumption, I congratulate you.

    As I've mentioned elsewhere here, I correspond daily with a plethora (love that word) of Canadians - truck-driver specie - domestic and imported versions.

    They ALL love Canada for it's freebies while holding it in contempt for it's Socialism.

    They also realize that, as goes America, so goes Canada.
    Excellent way of putting things

    Funny trying to compare the Police or Military as a "Mob" LOL!!! only someone Obtuse would consider people that are following the Laws and Constitution of there country land...Thought like that is just disgusting,and ignorant and where do people get that from??

    Is Antifa or the KKK a Mob??

    Would you consider a supposed News outlet constantly reporting everything they can against someone that they dislike and every one spewing the same thing and never have someone on there station that gives another side, or better yet never actually report both sides to give there viewers how they look at it?? That is not a Mob?? Your fucking right it is!!!! The supposed news outlet picked a side!!!! That is not news anymore is it?? there are words that have that meaning Socialism/Dictatorship, not the constitution or you would think morals or integrity in the job profession you chose
    Or does it go back to the education they got??
    Last edited by shaina; 12-27-2020 at 10:05 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    Long ago, here, one of my UK buddies stated Auntie Beeb was totally without bias because it was "chartered to be".

    I larfed at that.
    Again there is a constitution and laws in the country you decide to live in, if you don't like them go to your state representatives to have a vote to change it!!!!

    And if you don't like the laws of the land, fucking move to a place that suits you better!!!!

    Again there is a constitution and a system for checks and balances in most Democracy countries, they are there for reasons......

    Again my opinions, I live in Canada, and i have said many times that i love it here, and no matter what party is in charge there has never been any drastic changes..

    If that ever changed well??

    Look at what is happening in New York and California!!! People are leaving in droves, the cost of living is crazy and there local policies are even crazier!!!!!!

    I mean you don't see that reporting on the "Mob" media!!, why?? because what party runs them?? and how does it look??

    We are now in lock down!!! There is zero science behind this logic, but hey all the big box stores are packed and the same with the grocery stores!!, and of course online sales at Amazon has record numbers!!!

    That is great for the little guys right....

    PS.. You know i just had a thought for the obtuse out there , you have 2 words in English "News" and "Narrative" they are supposed to have complete separate meanings are they not??

    The same if a news outlet receives funding from rich people that have agendas!!! It should be stated right from the start that they are there to report the news!!! and i mean News reporters/anchors not opinion shows on the networks!!! Most of them now you can't tell the difference!!!

    That should change
    Last edited by shaina; 12-27-2020 at 02:28 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #13
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Lets talk offensive buddy, it really amazes me that the Media "Mob" never puts blame on China for sending/spreading this virus all over the world, and killing millions!!!!!

    Not fucking Russia Russia Russia!!!! fucking China!! zero accountability or blame !!!, Now Trump is blamed for everything and Trudeau here is a saint!!!, Ford who runs our province is blamed for everything yet Deblasio and Cuomo are rewarded and how many deaths are blamed on them?? Zero!!!! Do you have to ask what political parties they all represent

    Now it is being reported that China has surpassed having a better economy than the US?? is it fake news?? I don't know?? But really even reporting that and not adding any sort of responsibility or blame for this China Virus is just mind boggling.. The same, look around the world and see who gets blamed and who is reporting it that way!!!
    Again Zero accountability for China doing this, and even better they are not even taking blame!!, and profiting Large!!!!!, they send out propaganda conspiracy theories blaming everyone else!! and guess who controls there Media!, really thinking isn't it a socialist communists country!!!!...

    Why is this happening??!!!, What is the Media "Mob" afraid of?? There is tons of evidence where the origin of this China Virus came from!! Why??!!!

    Is that "Offensive"!!!, thinking if it came/started in the US!!! how would have the world reported that??!!!!

    Again.... Where is Hunter!!
    Last edited by shaina; 12-27-2020 at 08:56 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Just to make a note for this Tread........

    I made this tread for everyone that wants to rant the way i am and maybe even add some solutions, not to reply to posts with hostility or to start confrontations period!!!

    Just using the US as an example there are over 380 million people in the US and 170 million voted one party and 180 voted another party (numbers not exact), now out of both parties there are radicals on both sides then there is overlapping agreement on parties policies, lets call them moderates and someone like me would vote for a party that has more in line policies even know i may not agree with all of them. I hope that makes sense...And Canada is pretty much the same except a smaller scale of population.....

    Again i am venting here and not looking for obnoxious obtuse responses, more how they feel or suggestions, and the same with reality that they will work and not stress the population with a bigger tax expense..Or if something does offend you explain why.. Eg. the start of this tread "Brown Bagging" ??
    To me that was a saying used because you couldn't afford to eat out that day, never in my lifetime would i ever point that to racism or being offensive, nor was that ever mentioned by any friends or students when i went to school or my work days!!!! Wealthy or not!!, and in the day either i went home for lunch or Brown Bagged it (the bag was sometimes a lunch box but still considered BB).So what drastically changed??
    And really can someone explain how they see "Picnic" as being offensive?? Truth i can't figure that out?? And does that mean you now have to change the name of a "Picnic Bench"??

    The same with media.....

    Well there are facts out there that most of it is being controlled, Hens the Takedowns or blocking on the Internet, especially if it is not fitting the narrative the Moderator believes in or the Producer/Owner of the outlet/media has an agenda, and not giving the reporters or opinion employed the freedom of choice. Now why do you think that is happening is a better question to debate?? Why are they leaving other news out?? News is News!!, Vetted news would be better reported, but that is out the window!!!. And most media outlets forgot what a retraction looks like if it is "Fake News".. That for sure is a very big problem....And a moderator choosing what is fake or real with no facts other than it doesn't suit the party they like!!! Well that is when there protections on the sites should be lifted and accountable/ liable!!...

    2021 is going to be a very interesting year...

    Again another question.....

    Who here is willing or is going to take one of the China Virus vaccines??? And why??
    Last edited by shaina; 12-27-2020 at 11:19 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  5. Lounge   -   #15
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post

    That last is crap, sorry.

    The Left media in America is an echo-chamber.

    Over there, the Globe and Mail is only "Right wing" relative to the rest of your media.

    Nonetheless, if that is YOUR primary consumption, I congratulate you.

    As I've mentioned elsewhere here, I correspond daily with a plethora (love that word) of Canadians - truck-driver specie - domestic and imported versions.

    They ALL love Canada for it's freebies while holding it in contempt for it's Socialism.

    They also realize that, as goes America, so goes Canada.
    The rub is that what some in America call "radical socialism" is standard practice in basically every other developed country in the World. Unfortunately in politics as in life, most things bad things that you say about others can also be said about you.

    Anyway j2k4, you come off as a reasonable person and so while I may not agree with your politics, I have no problem with you or you believing whatever you want as long as it doesn't involve pedophillia or cannabalism. Kidding of course about Hillary, not about Bill..
    Except for "...goes America, so goes Canada". We were in WWII years before the Japanese gave Roosevelt the excuse to force America to do the right thing. So there's that and poutine.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 12-27-2020 at 01:57 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Is Antifa or the KKK a Mob??
    Depends entirely on their size and deployment. We're talking taking active size. None of this reserve bullshit either.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Is it OK to say red bagging it or do I have to now use indigenous people bagging it? Asking for a friend.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    You know what is really funny when you ask that question to a person who is a liar and a hypocrite the answer you will get is laughable....
    You must be referring to someone else, probably Lindsey Graham or Ted Cruz because I'm not a hypocrite and as a rule only lie to women and law enforcement.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Placate is another good word and one I have no interest in doing when it involves QAnon type lunatics or at least the unarmed ones that I know I can outrun.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  10. Lounge   -   #20
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    And seeing that we are apparently burning bridges, someone correct me if they disagree that except for the fact of himself being Jewish, Shay seems exactly the type who would be gleefully stringing them up in the village square.

    Sucks for you but Momma didn't raise me to be nice, only to tell the truth and to look good in a dress.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 12-27-2020 at 02:15 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

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