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Thread: Offensive 2021

  1. #511
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    As an agnostic, I find all this God bless stuff offensive as it forces me from my safe space.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  2. Lounge   -   #512
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    Edit: I sent you something fucking read it
    Unless you meant you sent it via Canada Post because I haven't got any new PMs.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Lounge   -   #513
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Ah Cabby, funny i just saw this... Do you agree with this alternative??

  4. Lounge   -   #514
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    So now you want rebuttals on the 2 Bombs were set the day before the rally, and the same with the Right Wing Shitbags that attacked the Capital planned that on all the digital media prior LOL!!!.....Please Cabby be real buddy LOL!!!!
    No, I am not looking for any rebuttal. You said that Trump never called on his followers to incite violence on anyone. Clearly not true, and I gave you an example. There's no rebuttal needed and/or possible.

    Oh, I also just remembered one rally of his where a protester who was already escorted out of the arena by security was sucker punched by one of his followers. I think Trump offered to pay his legal fees or something like that. Which I am pretty sure he never did, but hey, that's a story for another day.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    And it is always nice to people talk when someone lives in a State run by Republicans an open state that has one of the least tax rates in the country ..
    Dude, you have no clue. Let's just say that I pay enough property tax to the great state of Texas that I'm paying well over 15% of my AGI in state income tax equivalent. That's in addition to Federal tax, mind you. And that's the effective tax rate, not a nominal or incremental rate.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    I mean people can always move to New York or California and be having a great life right, do you see the Irony in that buddy...
    I do not. Trust me that I will move away from here as soon as retirement hits. You know, when my income is not as high as when you're working, but you still face the same property tax burden as before.

  5. Lounge   -   #515
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    Edit: I sent you something fucking read it
    Unless you meant you sent it via Canada Post because I haven't got any new PMs.
    I sent you a reply about our conversation we were having.....

    It sent on my end why you didn't get it?? Did you check and see you have to delete a few to get new ones???
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #516
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    As an agnostic, I find all this God bless stuff offensive as it forces me from my safe space.
    Ok as an agnostic yours will be "Go Fuck Yourself" ,
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #517
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Dude, you have no clue. Let's just say that I pay enough property tax to the great state of Texas that I'm paying well over 15% of my AGI in state income tax equivalent. That's in addition to Federal tax, mind you. And that's the effective tax rate, not a nominal or incremental rate.
    Dude i have a fucking clue LOL!!! You are just complaining and think yourself that Texas is expensive LOL!!! Come fucking live here buddy LOL!!!!

    And my comment is vs so you trying to say that California and New York is cheaper to live and even property taxes, why the fuck are they moving in droves to Texas and Florida to pay more LOL!!!!

    I complain here how much property taxes are my house i was paying over ten thousand dollars in property taxes Cabby!!!, in my condo now with no fucking land i am paying four thousand!!! You guys have no fucking clue what taxes are in Texas!!! you could have 3 acres and pay less!!!!!

    Again arguing who pays more is just a joke, people are not moving out of the states i mentioned because the cost of living is lower, lets just leave it at that right...

    I do not. Trust me that I will move away from here as soon as retirement hits. You know, when my income is not as high as when you're working, but you still face the same property tax burden as before.
    So where do recommend in the US to retire??

    Edit: Again both sides committed incitement to each other, and tried to protect there voters... but not to the level that you would use Impeachment!!!! The word and its purpose has gone to the toilet now because of the Democrats!!! I mean someone has put in for Impeachment of Biden already!!! Now it is a joke instead of its real purpose Cabby....But Trump never said to go storm the building and kidnap a kill people for fucks sakes!!!!

    Again you don't like Trump you don't like the Republican Polices fine then don't vote for them right, isn't that the nice thing about the US you do have that choice....
    Last edited by shaina; 01-31-2021 at 08:25 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #518
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Ah Cabby, funny i just saw this... Do you agree with this alternative??
    So what then?? I don't want details just some methods you think??
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  9. Lounge   -   #519
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    I know we have spoke about this Cabby, and i know you are very knowledgeable in the subject. And i have told you i agree with you in some respects.....

    But if you live in a state where jobs are relied on Fossil fuels buddy, you must have other jobs in place before you start a unemployment chaos!!!!
    Have you looked at the energy mix in Texas lately? Alternative energy (mostly wind, some solar) produced a greater percentage of the total energy output in the ERCOT market than coal in 2019, and twice as much as nuclear. In 2020 there were days where wind made up more than 30% of the total energy mix. Yes, only half of what gas contributes, but wait another 10 years and we'll take another look. In 2018 carbon-free energy sources already made up 30% of the total.

    Say what you want about Rick Perry (and I have a lot to say about the man, and not just about his dancing skills), but at least he was energy agnostic and the only color he cared about was green. He is the one who encouraged the development of wind farms (hey, fun fact: one of the the largest early investors to develop that industry: BP, an oil and gas company!), and at least he had some kind of vision of the future -- or at a minimum did not stand in its way. Unlike your buddy Donald and his friends in West Virginia who are still working on the great coal comeback. Want to compare coal mining jobs with those created in alternative energy? Or for that matter how many oil and gas were lost since 2015 and how many were created in alternative energy fields? It's not like anyone couldn't see it coming; I know I got the hell out of Dodge after 20 years in O&G when the market melted down in 2014/2015.

    And regardless of what you think, (a) there will always be an oil industry; it's just that the oil produced will be used for other, higher-value products and processes rather than transportation, (b) there is no binary on/off switch and whatever policies are enacted today will not lead to massive job losses tomorrow (the market already took care of that anyway), (c) since people apparently can't change on their own they will need to be nudged (which is effectively what most of these policies end up doing), and (d) as a champion of states' rights I am sure that you will also lay some responsibility for the retraining and creation of job opportunities at the feet of the oil producing states, who have profited for so long from O&G. Austin, XT is turning into a tech and AE hub. Why can't Oklahoma or New Mexico take some of their oil money and do the same? And then you blame the federal government for the shortsightedness of the states' leadership?

    You've got to start somewhere. Again, it's not like nobody couldn't see it coming. Some people just wasted a lot of time.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    i know i still want my fridge to keep cold and my condo to keep air conditioned in the summer, and not get a bill or increase of 10,000% to pay for all of that!!! do you understand that?? I think that is pretty simple talk right
    "New U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data predict solar and wind energy will dominate America’s new generation in 2020, making up 76% of new generation and adding 42 gigawatts (GW) of zero emission capacity, while coal and natural gas will dominate 2020 retirements with 85% of plant closures."


    The market has spoken. Stop your fearmongering. You want to hang on to fossil-fuel generation? Your prices will be higher than if included alternative energy to your energy sources.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Especially knowing that the countries with the worst environmental problems are not going to change..
    So fucking what? First of all, China is investing a shitload of money in clean tech, especially electric cars and hydrogen, and there's a reason why solar has become so cheap over the last decade. But even if they did not, I just showed you that it's financially beneficial to invest in low/no-carbon fuel technology, so it still makes sense to change even if nobody else did. Hey, you know what crazy country just passed a law last year to get rid of all coal-generated power? Germany. You know, the same guys who already decided to get rid of nuclear energy a couple years ago and who have been investing in alternative energy for the last 20 years or so, even levying a surcharge on energy users to pay for renewables. How's their economy been doing over the same time period?

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Now i remember back on the second term of Obama, and he took over 500 million dollars out of fucking tax paying people to start a solar plant!!! What ever happened to that!!??
    Solyndra? Was not money given by Obama, but access to funding provided by the Department of Energy under their Title XVII federal loan guarantee program (potaeto - potahto; yes, at the end the tax payer got stuck holding the bag even if the money initially came from banks). Coincidentally, you know where Tesla got a whole lot of money from when they started out? Precisely. What ever happened to that?

    And I can tell you that the program rules and requirements were tightened significantly after that fiasco. I happen to know that because I spent two years of my life trying to get a couple bucks out of that program myself afterwards (not for me, for my employer at the time). So yeah, for once the feds learned something. The program is still around, by the way. And was initially started/funded by the Energy Act of 2008. Now let me think, who was in charge back in 2008 and who would have drafted the initial rules?

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Now do you think the jobs will stay in the US for this Climate Change shit!!! Come on Cabby LOL!!! You know exactly where those jobs will go fucking China!!!!
    So let me get this straight, you want to hang on to a dying industry with no long-term prospects rather than invest in new technology with potentially bright prospects because you expect from the beginning to fail? Yeah, I don't know if that is a sustainable industrial policy.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Are you going to argue with me on that!!!??

    Listen, there are no assurances in life, except death and taxes. What will happen? I predict the same thing as with Silicon Valley or what we've seen in the solar industry. The Chinese or whoever will take over the mass-production of components, which drives down the cost of the technology and lead to greater adoption. Innovation, specialization and intellectual capital will provide the added value that will retain jobs here and lead to the creation of new ones. What do you think Henry Ford would have said if someone had asked him about this fandangled new automobile technology rather than investing in the established horse-powered transportation sector? I mean, China builds more cars these days than the US, too, so... what was your point again?

    And I really have spent more of my Sunday on this than I intended, so count me out for the rest of the day.
    Last edited by Caballero; 01-31-2021 at 08:36 PM.

  10. Lounge   -   #520
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Wow Cabby!!! I will take your word for it, but i just got back from a friends place and i will read through what you said, seems like an interesting read buddy...

    I would get Idol to fact check, but we both know how that will turn out
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money


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