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Thread: Offensive 2021

  1. #291
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Repeating myself. No problem with arresting anyone who broke the law. It's been reported by CNN if that's what you mean by truthful news. I can tell there weren't any white supremacists by the police response.
    I can tell you when it was reported on Fox News and other conservative international news and a few other Moderate neutral news media outlets did as well..

    You must watch CNN a lot because i flicked it back and forth multiple times when everyone else reported this and CNN had shit on it!!! The same with MSDNC affiliates...I think this is important to report for more than a second, don't your agree?? Or you are ok with the double standards of the 24/7 of the Capital building attack!!! And the Media Mob trying to connect it to Russia Russia Russia (Just kidding did it for effect LOL!!)...

    I mean i know you are obtuse Idol but you do have morals, and really this just shows either Left really does control the Majority of the Media or more than half the Americans really don't care?? Which one is it..

    Sean was treated fairly. The difference was that he was instructed to lie and reporters might have taken issue with that.
    And you have proof of this right ROTFLMAO!!!!! , All the press secretaries of Trump lied ya they were told too, and all the Left Wing Shitbags yes Shitbags and Biden's new secretary !!! are always truthful LOL!!!!

    And think about this Did Antifa followers really vote for Biden?? Did they vote at all?? I mean did you see them burning American Flags!!! And really are they American Citizens or paid troublemakers from NGO's and Wealthy from outside America to get power!!!???

    Ya i know you didn't say that right LOL!!! but you believe them more because Russia told you/them LOL!!!

    Why is it OK for private companies to set prices that allow them the ability to function properly by if the government tries to raise taxes to allow it to do it's job better or pay down the deficit then suddenly some people need to inserect?
    Have you ever worked or owned a company before?? I am really wondering this

    The rest even if i change "by" to "but" or remove the "if" people start business or work for living to make money to eat have a roof over there heads provide for there family, and then hopefully buy a few likes while save some money for the future does that make sense to you so far??

    Everyone in Canada is taxed up the ass!!! from top to bottom!!! you get that??? After we pay that do you really know where the money goes!!!???

    Now once you raise taxes what happens?? You do have some concept on that right?? Hint??

    The American system is completely different then ours!! , if you had common sense and realize if a country is energy efficient why do they need to raise taxes on it?? Hint? Where is that tax money supposed to be paying for here!!??

    Where is that money going to go?? You say to bring the Deficit down?? That was the smartest answer i have ever heard from you, seriously!!!!, and yes that is Conservative thinking.. Fact!!!!!

    But i hope you are not again that fucking obtuse to think that is what the Left wing shitbags agenda really is!!! And i say that sincerely!!! They think the money grows on trees and think the rich is going to pay for all the shit they want free!!!!!!!!!

    Does that make any sense to you at all , top to bottom, you can't think even 2 moves ahead can you

    Keystone is very problematic. Beyond environmental risk and doing nothing for US energy security, it's being pushed by the people who stand to profit in the face of there being better options to it.
    As for jobs. Sustained jobs are reported to be less than 40 after construction ends. Short term jobs supposedly don't really help the economy much if at all.

    Yes there is some issues with environmental , but they were negotiating that....

    You are correct it was not for energy security for either Canada or the US, but are you saying it wasn't being built to help people that needed it? It was all bad right?? Some people just thought it up to make the world a worse place

    So how long is it going to take for completion?? You are a really smart guy, if you can guarantee jobs for minimum 10 years that is not good for you ?? To you that is a temporary job?? Jeez Idol stop showing your name buddy

    Jobs sustained you say... And where did you get that information from?? Do i have to guess LOL!!!!

    Who really knows that?? All speculation right, and isn't some jobs better than no jobs?? I think the people that will get them think differently than you do buddy.....
    Last edited by shaina; 01-22-2021 at 02:10 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #292
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    See it is starting

    Biden fires back at AP reporter over question about vaccine rollout goal: 'C'mon, gimme a break, man'
    'When I announced it, you all said it was not possible,' Biden tells AP's Zeke Miller

    Wait he doesn't work for Fox News, looks like the questions of puppies and ice cream are ending, now lets see what happens with the media and truths oh great obtuse one

    Wow!!! what is this!!! Maybe i was wrong and he is not going to kiss all the Left Wing Shitbag Media Mob!!, i hope this is a sign to come....

    Lets talk about FAKE NEWS just keeps on going!!!!!!

    Fauci debunks CNN reporting, says Biden's vaccine rollout not 'starting from scratch'
    The anti-Trump network heavily pushed the now-debunked 'scoop' throughout the day

    During the White House press briefing, Fauci was asked directly by NBC News correspondent Kristen Welker if the new administration was "starting from scratch."

    Reply from the great and smart one. That has been full of shit most of the time.....

    "We certainly are not starting from scratch because there is activity going on in the distribution," Fauci responded before elaborating on the Biden administration's own plan.

    Really Americans!!! Is it not the states responsibility not the President of the Federal Governments??? Guidelines may or may not be followed..

    And did the Broke Democrat states change the formula of the vaccine that Trump, yes Trump!!! got out in less than a fucking year!!!??? I thought they weren't going to trust anything Trump did or approved??!!! Boy politics on both sides are full of shit aren't they

    Wait they only tell the truth i thought, ah it doesn't matter the Media Mob will just blame Russia Russia Russia

    Boy this is fun LOL!!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 01-22-2021 at 03:05 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #293
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    This has to be one of the bigger jokes .....

    Amazon offers to help Biden with vaccine distribution

    What does the Left Wing Shitbags think of this Are they all for it!!!! What do you think of this Idol?? See i called you Idol LOL!!!!!

    Really in all sincerity!!! No matter how much you hate someone!!! If you can help people and save lives!!, forget saying is that not the American way!!!, isn't that human nature!!! How many people would have been saved in even Broke Democrat run states if he helped them!!! And that is where the largest death rates are!!!!!

    That to me is a tragedy Idol!!!!

    Psaki promises 'transparency' and then refuses to provide views on major congressional actions
    Dodges questions on whether Biden supports impeachment trial or nixing filibuster

    Ya dodging is not lying and very transparent Idol

    I will admit both sides are the fucking same!!! Will you admit that???

    And you want to give the Government more fucking power over your lives, fuck that shit!!!!!! Fix things and give the people choices!!!! and the fucking Government should have the least control as possible!!!!!! Regulate private sector if needed not fucking control or power period!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 01-22-2021 at 02:50 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #294
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Here is some news for you Idol....

    My wife just spoke to her sister, and a friend of the family chartered a flight to Florida, i am not sure how many were on the plane, but they arrived and got the Wuhan China Virus vaccine there??

    I mean i know the people and they are not liars!!! How did they do this?? And yes they do have property/residences there, is that how?? They are not dual citizens??
    Actually one may be, but not the rest of them for sure.....

    Interesting isn't it.. I mean i do know a ton of people that went across the border before the Wuhan China Virus to get surgeries done faster than here, i mean the waits may have been close to a year to get it here and they got it right away there!!, and some paid and some had US paid insurance plans....

    Interesting, and i just found out about the vaccines.....
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  5. Lounge   -   #295
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    See stuff like this is just bullshit!!!!

    Biden has ‘bigger issues’ to worry about than following own mask mandate: Psaki
    Biden and his relatives all ditched their masks on federal property — the Lincoln Memorial

    The new president ditched his face mask for a period of time while addressing the public Wednesday from the Lincoln Memorial, on federal land, and as he stood at the foot of the statue of the nation’s 16th president, C-SPAN footage shows. He put his mask on after the address. Hours earlier, he had signed a mandate requiring masks on federal property, as well as on interstate public travel.

    See this is the difference Idol i thought going after Trump with bullshit like this and the same it is bullshit going after Biden as well!!!! Trump has definitely changed the Media, but i just hope the other side doesn't do the petty shit, and really goes for the throat for the main issues...
    I think all of us has had enough of the garbage!!!! Time to go back to unbiased reporting and inform the people, facts!!!!
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #296
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    And did the Broke Democrat states change the formula of the vaccine that Trump, yes Trump!!! got out in less than a fucking year!!!???
    Quick fact check here. Pfizer -- as the first vaccine manufacturer to market -- did not get/take any money from Operation Warp Speed, while BioNTech received 400 million euros from the German government. So if anything, you may refer to it as the Merkel vaccine, and Donald had shit to do with it.
    Last edited by Caballero; 01-22-2021 at 05:59 AM.

  7. Lounge   -   #297
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    And did the Broke Democrat states change the formula of the vaccine that Trump, yes Trump!!! got out in less than a fucking year!!!???
    Quick fact check here. Pfizer -- as the first vaccine manufacturer to market -- did not get/take any money from Operation Warp Speed, while BioNTech received 400 million euros from the German government. So if anything, you may refer to it as the Merkel vaccine, and Donald had shit to do with it.
    So are you denying New York and California both are fucking Broke!!!! I know Texas and Florida are not!!!!

    So just the German Government or the EU forked over that doe??

    And does that mean that Trump is a great negotiator and not a sucker!!! Like trusting the WHO organization that is in bed with China!!! You going to deny that too

    Biden is going to put over 400 million in there bullshit pockets!!! Ya your tax payer money!!! Again you are ok with that

    What is this Cabby i know Germany basically runs the EU, but hey why is she even asking...

    Merkel threatens to close Germany's borders unless EU finds common ground in Covid-19 fight

    And i assume open borders and immigration just flocking in is really great for a country...

    Is this fake news buddy or you have more bullshit to talk about

    What is this then?? I see a number here $1.95 billion and another reads 10 billion !!! Is this fake news or you trust Bloomberg that just loves Trump where your fake news came from...

    Pfizer’s Deal With Operation Warp Speed Excludes Common Government Rights

    The $1.95 billion contract does not contain government rights to intellectual property developed in the manufacture of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. Other news on vaccine delivery, development and hesitancy is also reported.

    NPR: Pfizer's Operation Warp Speed Supply Contract Limits Federal Rights
    When the Department of Health and Human Services released Pfizer's $1.95 billion coronavirus vaccine contract with Operation Warp Speed last Wednesday, the agreement revealed that the Trump administration didn't include government rights to intellectual property typically found in federal contracts. The drugmaker has downplayed its involvement in Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration's more than $10 billion program to make a coronavirus vaccine available in record time. Although Pfizer didn't receive government funding this spring toward research and development of the vaccine, it nevertheless received one of the largest Operation Warp Speed supply contracts to date on July 21. (Lupkin, 11/24)

    Did any of your fake news places mention that!!??

    So Pfizer never received this money, yes but what about the 10 billion!!!! I think that is a wee bit more than Germany paid out!!!?? Again it seems that the US pays more than any other country/nation for everything!!! Including the UN and the WHO organization!!!
    And i think there is quite a few countries behind or pay a hell of a lot less....What did Trump do!!! Not only try to drain the swamp but trim the fat on garbage that had zero benefits for the American people !!!

    You know Cabby, maybe you should think of this....

    Trump is a billionaire and his home is the United States, what does he have to gain?? All he wanted to do is really "Make America Great"

    And the President now has 4 years to prove he can do it better, if not a new one will take his place right

    That is true facts!!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 01-22-2021 at 05:41 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #298
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    I had to take a comprehensive intelligence test a couple of weeks ago when I applied for something and though I'm shite with speeling and only a little above average on the sPatial, apparently I'm a genius when it comes to math. The questions get progressively harder. If you get two wrong you're done for that section and the woman giving the test told me that I was the only person who ever got to the end of the math and answered the last question correctly.
    I'm only telling you this to brag for context so when I say that none of that neo-conservative bs really adds up, you should probably believe me over Tucker Carlson.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  9. Lounge   -   #299
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Here is some news for you Idol....

    My wife just spoke to her sister, and a friend of the family chartered a flight to Florida, i am not sure how many were on the plane, but they arrived and got the Wuhan China Virus vaccine there??

    I mean i know the people and they are not liars!!! How did they do this?? And yes they do have property/residences there, is that how?? They are not dual citizens??
    Actually one may be, but not the rest of them for sure.....

    Interesting isn't it.. I mean i do know a ton of people that went across the border before the Wuhan China Virus to get surgeries done faster than here, i mean the waits may have been close to a year to get it here and they got it right away there!!, and some paid and some had US paid insurance plans....

    Interesting, and i just found out about the vaccines.....
    You've denounced unions only to then use them in support of why the Keystone pipeline should go ahead. Here you seem to be supporting rich people jumping the vaccine queue when previously likewise denouncing it when Charles Barkley suggested it . Could you please in the future try and be a little more consistent with your fascism? The blood dripping from my ears isn't just going to heal itself, you know.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  10. Lounge   -   #300
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    You've denounced unions only to then use them in support of why the Keystone pipeline should go ahead. Here you seem to be supporting rich people jumping the vaccine queue when previously likewise denouncing it when Charles Barkley suggested it . Could you please in the future try and be a little more consistent with your fascism? The blood dripping from my ears isn't just going to heal itself, you know.
    Yes Shay don't like unions!!! But i also don't like people out of work so until someone in Government or the union members fixes the union heads gouging or extorting money, well....

    Now on the vaccine obtuse one, i didn't say they were rich did i?? I just said they went down and as far as i know didn't butt in front of anyone!!

    So your obtuse fascism comment makes zero sense..

    And why do you turn 2 things into a negative when you say you are so smart in math which i doubt very very much, just think positive for people that are not greedy or you are jealous of
    Last edited by shaina; 01-22-2021 at 03:25 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money


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