Bah, what an exercise in futility.
Until the actual infrastructure of the internet gets updated/activated to handle broadband users, more and more broadband ISPs will be putting caps on usage. And instead of that costly venture, more ISPs will start offering tiered pricing. That will make it a luxury to have alot of bandwidth available to use. Sadly it is a foregone conclusion.
Frankly we need more broadband users. This will lower costs. But this is a double edge sword because more users means less bandwidth for the rest of us. It is a truely vicious circle.
I feel lucky because in my city of 600,000, there are only about 20,000 subscribers.
my bloody 2 cents worth!...
i signed this one
i agree, but futile or not,Originally posted by harrycary@15 February 2003 - 16:34
Bah, what an exercise in futility.
Until the actual infrastructure of the internet gets updated/activated to handle broadband users, more and more broadband ISPs will be putting caps on usage. And instead of that costly venture, more ISPs will start offering tiered pricing. That will make it a luxury to have alot of bandwidth available to use. Sadly it is a foregone conclusion.
Frankly we need more broadband users. This will lower costs. But this is a double edge sword because more users means less bandwidth for the rest of us. It is a truely vicious circle.
I feel lucky because in my city of 600,000, there are only about 20,000 subscribers.
my bloody 2 cents worth!...
thats kinda like saying you wont vote cause yours wont make a difference.
if peole dont voice their opinions, kazaa lite wont have a chance, we will all fall under ruthless dictatorships
and or communist rule....
jsut accept the hand dealt to me, let big bussiness tell me how its gonna be??
i dont think so. if i sign a contract of agreement, and i fork out my hard earned cash and uphold my end..
i have a certain expectation on how my serivce are rendered.
not just an isp, every bussiness has a level of service customers expect. thats why thier customers.
and if i dont like it, your damned right im taking my cash elsewhere.
of course this current issue doesnt immediately effect me, im in the usa.
my isp tried to do a similar stunt, and i put my f00t down.
wasnt too futile..., i pay ten dollars less on my bill than any other current subscriber, and i get faster speeds.
ahh well, to each thier own i guess.
The restrictions put on by NTL are not logical as they sell a service rated at 1 Gbps and then limit you to 1 Gb per day download but have no limits on uploads. The rules seem to have been set by people who do not know what they are doing and they then tried to sneak them in on a Friday afternoon when they hoped people would not notice. The users have caused such a fuss that they have had to rewrite all their advertizing. To see more visit