I am very desparate to gain access to anonymous emailing and IP shielding and there is an urgency to this unrelated to kazaa. I have looked for it in the thread, I should have saved it, can anyone please help me, ie direct me to the site.
I am very desparate to gain access to anonymous emailing and IP shielding and there is an urgency to this unrelated to kazaa. I have looked for it in the thread, I should have saved it, can anyone please help me, ie direct me to the site.
Try stealther for the ip shielding.
Look at www.astalavista.com.
There are websites available for anonymous emailing.
Can't remember one at this moment. Sorry
Try google.
Well, an important question I would have to ask is... who are you wanting to hide your IP from?
You can hide it from websites but not from your ISP. And as far as I know and I could be wrong, I highly doubt it, as after all this is me talking here...
All you can do is hide ur identy within your web browser. Many scripts (active x, javascript, etc) can still sometimes get your information.
In realisty, there is no way to be truley annonymous... if there was a way, hackers would be exploiting it 24-7. You can however making it pretty hard.
Wear what I call... The Internet Condom!
PC-Cillion antivirus
ZoneAlarm Pro firewall
SuperTrick w/ eDexter
AdSubtrack Pro
Spam Killer 4.0
SpyBot Search and Destroy.
What I do, is about once a week or after I use my creditcard online or bid on an auction or use paypal... I delete all my cookies, history, scrub my pc clean with SpyBot and PC-Cillion.
I have another program that I use, can't rememer the name, but I remember I used it when I was getting into hacking, me and my causing would hack each others computers. We'd plan install annoying little programs like bonzi buddy and message mates on each others computers just to drive each other nuts. I think it was called Jammer, not sure... but it was like a real weak firewall, didn't block anything really. The program sucked at what is was ment to do, but surpizing it was able to always tell me when someone was trying to get read someone off my pc or if anyone was trying to break in. I'll have to do a search and see if I can find that program again and see if I even have it on my computer or an old CD-Rom.
the only way to stop people reading your e-mail's, if it is that sensetive is to encrypt it.
pgp you must of heard of this by now.
anyway spoof you ip addy and send your encrypted e-mail through a open smtp relay. you will have to read up on it but it is pretty easy. finding the open smtp is the hard part.
but i would have a look in the headers of some spam you get. these normally contain them.
it would be almost impossible to trace you and the mail unreadable since it would be encrpyted.
Hey Chloe, is this the link you are looking for?Originally posted by chloe_cc2002@14 February 2003 - 04:16
I am very desparate to gain access to anonymous emailing and IP shielding and there is an urgency to this unrelated to kazaa. I have looked for it in the thread, I should have saved it, can anyone please help me, ie direct me to the site.
It was orig. posted by "zeos100" Click Here