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Thread: Any old workprint collectors on here from the vcdquality days

  1. #1
    I'm new here so I figured it would be okay to ask. Are there any old workprint collectors on here from the vcdquality or torrent days? I'm looking for a few that were going around in the late 90's-early 00's.

    The Secret Live of Dentists

    and a few others.

    Any help is greatly appreciated

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Ah, VCDs! I had the "backpack" addon for the gray PSX that would let you watch them. Sony later removed the I/O port...

    Anyway, someone else here may be able to help, but after doing a search it seems everyone who has a collection of these is only interested in trading
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    shaina's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Ah, VCDs! I had the "backpack" addon for the gray PSX that would let you watch them. Sony later removed the I/O port...

    Anyway, someone else here may be able to help, but after doing a search it seems everyone who has a collection of these is only interested in trading
    As you know i moved from a wee bit bigger house to a condo..........

    In my basement

    I must have had at least 20 100 blank cd cases of burnt VCD"s!! Disk A and B

    Then i had more than 20 100 blank DVDr cases of burnt VCD's

    My kids each day was throwing them in the blue recycling bins......

    Then i had at least 10 dvd players also in the basement that played VCD;s!!!

    Those all went in between Best Buys doors for recycling......

    If i remember i did send you some photos Anon, and asked you if you wanted any of these things, as well as a Casio that i still do have, because it was small and all the accessories are still in the original boxes...

    Now if i remember??

    A lot of times when they bring out the Blu ray version?? They have all the versions Theatrical/Unedited/Raw/Extended, etc??

    I also remember some of the posts don't tell you this?? You have to look and the NFO"s ??

    Just sayin

    PS.. Funny Anon when your kids help you clean , they seem to keep what they like not way said parents may want!!!!!

    EG.. How many Tamagotchi"s all different versions, some were still in there original boxes!!.. Those they kept for themselves!!!

    Look up what they are worth on the net??

    Truth my kids didn't care about that, they like that old shit!!, original game boys !! 3 kids worth plus spares of course!!

    Again now living in the condo that is over 1600sqft, plus a large storage locker full of shit!!!, there is still tons of crap!!!

    Plus every game console you can think of that i sent to my older son's house, and now can't get any back!!!

    Original Xbox that was modded to play every original arcade game made!!!, then all the nintendo consoles!!!

    Rock band and Guitar Hero instruments, still in original boxes not ever used!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by roman1990 View Post
    I'm new here so I figured it would be okay to ask. Are there any old workprint collectors on here from the vcdquality or torrent days? I'm looking for a few that were going around in the late 90's-early 00's.

    The Secret Live of Dentists

    and a few others.

    Any help is greatly appreciated
    Found posted


    Catwoman?? More info??
    Last edited by shaina; 11-24-2023 at 05:04 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4
    What I'm looking for:

    Replicant-wp-1of2.avi and Replicant-wp-2of2.avi

  5. Movies & TV   -   #5
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by roman1990 View Post
    What I'm looking for:

    Replicant-wp-1of2.avi and Replicant-wp-2of2.avi

    I know i had at least 80% of these burnt onto CD's, and they were thrown out......

    So do you belong to any Torrent or or NZB sites??

    What i did was typed in "screener" and "Workprint" in the searches, and lots came up??

    Again being nosy??

    What are you using them for??

    Is there something special in those copies vs other rips/versions??..

    And if you belong to other sites?? Key in those 2 words, and see what comes up??
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Movies & TV   -   #6
    I'm a collector and I like this kind of stuff. I'm sure someone on here has these saved.
    Last edited by roman1990; 11-24-2023 at 10:43 PM.

  7. Movies & TV   -   #7
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by roman1990 View Post
    I'm a collector and I like this kind of stuff. I'm sure someone on here has these saved.

    Not likely, but hey........

    Do you have any original disk screeners?? VHS screeners??

    Last edited by shaina; 11-25-2023 at 01:41 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Movies & TV   -   #8
    No, I don't have any. I never collected those.

  9. Movies & TV   -   #9

  10. Movies & TV   -   #10
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    If i remember i did send you some photos Anon, and asked you if you wanted any of these things, as well as a Casio that i still do have, because it was small and all the accessories are still in the original boxes...
    I remember that, and there was a time when I'd have hijacked a freight train and driven it straight to Canadia to get your goodies But now I also have plenty of unused stuff I want to get rid to, myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by roman1990 View Post
    They are all pre-2000. BitTorrent, eDonkey and file hosts as we know them today didn't exist. No Usenet provider will retain binaries from 24 years ago, if they were posted to begin with. Reuploads are possible, but these files have little value for non-collectors. PassThePopcorn (a private movie tracker) may have some, but it's pretty difficult to get invited to. Your best bet is joining specialized subreddits or communities and looking for clues there.

    As I mentioned before, it seems everyone who has these is only interested on trading... as opposed to sharing them so that they aren't lost
    Last edited by anon; 12-06-2023 at 01:21 AM. Reason: Typo
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

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