Originally posted by ThePlasticSurgeon@17 December 2003 - 00:17
I reccommend that each time you download a music file you should burn your hard disk afterwards, leave the country and get a sex change and a new identity*. Then you should be perfectly safe .

I am not promoting the downloading of copyrighted songs**, but unfortunately for the RIAA you are probably very safe. You wont really need an IP blocker (the RIAA would never offer music files up for download as they could be sued for entrapment) if you are downloading (still a crime). It's only if you upload that you will be caught. Please don't use a service such as anonx (pay monthly anonymous proxy being promoted by someone using the alias james_bond_rulez) for illegal purposes as your ISP is spying on you for the good of the country .

*This is not an attempt to help you get away with a crime.
**I like to be a good citizen and keep myself out of trouble. What I get up to in my spare time is perfectly legal .

God!!! that is so funny!!!!

Hey !! guess what i got a post-card from a girl called Freda.......
