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Thread: Why Does People Share Crappy Files?

  1. #1
    I may be fucked-up, but I canīt really understand WHY people are sharing crappy files??...
    A good example:
    I have been looking for "about schmidt" (moviefile) and found recently that the files only existed in "TMD" format...with 2 files at about 160 mb each...I downloaded it and tried to watch, but the quality was in my opinion too lousy, so I deleted them again....
    I am a vivid filmlover and enjoys watching a good film, but not at any costs!,-
    Even if the movie is free (aka filesharing) I really donīt understand why anybody would like to see such poor quality (knowing its a bad file/quality size)...why not wait for the "right" size files and then share thoose???....after I deleted the small files I found the new moviefile in a very good quality (718 mb) just last week and weeks before it has premiere here in denmark..

    I my opinion a good quality moviefile is AT LEAST 700 mb pr. 1― hour...
    I couldnīt dream of sharing poor quality and I delete it whereever I "catch" them...

    My point it just because itīs FREE, that "anything" goes???

    regards Mr.M

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Get it from here

    Using sig2dat

    If you dont no how to use it, it explains here also.

    Hope this helps

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Originally posted by Chilly@17 February 2003 - 14:53
    Get it from here

    Using sig2dat

    If you dont no how to use it, it explains here also.

    Hope this helps
    you missed my point

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    i see this all the time and I'm always asking myself why would anyone keep a program on their computer if its not the real thing?

    yesterday i was searching for the sims online and seen where 250 users had the file and the file size is 225,698kb so i think this should be the real thing because 250 people had the file. so i download it and when i opened it, it turned out to be a game called empire earth. so if any of you are trying to find the sims online stay away from that file size.

    for all you people that have these bogus files FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!
    its people like you that fuck up filesharing for the rest of us.
    why cant you dumbasses use real filenames???????
    do you think that because you rename another program to something new that noone else has that they are going to look at you like your some big bad computer god? NO instead they are going to see you for the dumbass you really are!!

    when i catch files like these i rename them to what they really are then i put in caps in the filename for example the sims online THIS IS NOT THE SIMS ONLINE ITS REALLY EMPIRE EARTH.
    then i will message some of the users and ask them why the fuck they are so stupid to keep files that aren't the real thing.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    Yes i totally agree, it is stupid and i dont no why these people share these files.

    Perhaps Noobs see DareDevil (Full Movie) and download it.

    Perhaps some people have a dial up conection and would'nt dare try downloading (718 mb) as it would take

    them weeks.

    Perhaps people change the file names to get a higher participation level.

    Just a thought

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Louisville Kentucky
    I think their all on crack.

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    i agree 100% FC

    i can see maybe 10 or 15 people having bullshit files but when 250 users have the same bullshit file then you realize there are as many fucking idiots in the world as you thought!

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    i agree 100% FC

    i can see maybe 10 or 15 people having bullshit files but when 250 users have the same bullshit file then you realize there are as many fucking idiots in the world as you thought!

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    I reckon half of them have'nt even looked at what they've downloaded and the other half are so f**king stupid they don't understand what they are watching or playing.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Looks like you agreed 200%

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