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Thread: Going To Add Second Hd

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lubbock, TX
    i'm scared i'll mess something up and lose everything on my primary hd. i have several q's.
    1.would it be recommended to make a backup of my existing hd and how would i do this?
    2. if i lose everything on my existing hd i dont have the cd for win 98 since i bought the pc used but i have a copy of 98SE that i've downloaded off kazaa. how would i burn that to a cdr to use that as the setup?
    PLEASE help me get my Free IPOD! my brother got his 4 days ago and i need help with referrals. the screensavers just aired a story and it works. Just use my referral link and i suggest the 2 week blockbuster trial. you won't owe anything!

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    Sneepboy's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by ripley02@17 February 2003 - 15:13
    i'm scared i'll mess something up and lose everything on my primary hd. i have several q's.
    1.would it be recommended to make a backup of my existing hd and how would i do this?
    2. if i lose everything on my existing hd i dont have the cd for win 98 since i bought the pc used but i have a copy of 98SE that i've downloaded off kazaa. how would i burn that to a cdr to use that as the setup?
    Man, you have it easy with 98. Im on XP & cant do this anymore. Get (download) Drive Copy & partition Magic. Drive copy the old one to the new one and use partition magic to open that partition to its full size. You dont even have to format the new one & probably dont even have to fdisk it. Once you are done, youll say, "Thats it? Cool."

    *Note - Drive copy runs from a floppy out of windows. (You can't copy some windows system files if they are in use at the time).
    I suggest having both hard drives set as masters & using a seperate cable for each. This helps me avoid some confusion.

    Does anyone know how to get XP to boot after I do this? Im still experimenting with that.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    You should be fine just adding a new hdd as slave, i did no problems. Its true, FAT32 systems do have it easy when it comes to formatting etc. Anyone know how to format an nfts file system hard-drive?

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lubbock, TX
    i guess i shoulda been clearer in the beginning but will that still work if the 2nd HD was used on my older PC
    PLEASE help me get my Free IPOD! my brother got his 4 days ago and i need help with referrals. the screensavers just aired a story and it works. Just use my referral link and i suggest the 2 week blockbuster trial. you won't owe anything!

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Sneepboy's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by ripley02@17 February 2003 - 15:28
    i guess i shoulda been clearer in the beginning but will that still work if the 2nd HD was used on my older PC
    Are you saying you just want to add the hard drive as a slave or as an extra drive?
    If thats it, go forth & conquer! No prob. unless you spill a 40 oz. in there.

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    Ynhockey's Avatar Poster
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    Jan 2003
    Well, I did what you're now about to do (same circumstances) and it worked just fine. Assuming you have a CDRom and a CDRW, you should make a HD master and a CDR slave for both, or vice versa. In fact, you can play around until you get it right 'cause sometimes problems DO happen (and before doing anything, make sure that you understand how to edit what's Master/Slave in BIOS). But will the data on one hard disk be deleted ? No, that isn't possible as far as I know (unless you physically damage the hard drive). However, it can happen that you will lose some important files that will make your OS stop functioning, so you can either back up your whole OS to a different partition, or you can simply move the Win98 installation file to the different partition and then install. Oh and just in case, make a system disk with CDRom support (I think you need to copy the BTCDROM file for that, but not sure - maybe someone else can answer this).

    Hope that helped

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lubbock, TX
    hey Sneep i take it from your sig and showing a texas state flag you are a fellow texan. what part? i'm in Lubbock, west texas area.
    PLEASE help me get my Free IPOD! my brother got his 4 days ago and i need help with referrals. the screensavers just aired a story and it works. Just use my referral link and i suggest the 2 week blockbuster trial. you won't owe anything!

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    Sneepboy's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by ripley02@17 February 2003 - 15:34
    hey Sneep i take it from your sig and showing a texas state flag you are a fellow texan. what part? i'm in Lubbock, west texas area.
    A Red Raider? I am a North Dallas K-Liter! Yahooooooooooooooooooo!

    TEXAS - A whole other country!

  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lubbock, TX
    how cool!! thanks a lot for everyones input. i'll try this later tonite and see how this goes.
    PLEASE help me get my Free IPOD! my brother got his 4 days ago and i need help with referrals. the screensavers just aired a story and it works. Just use my referral link and i suggest the 2 week blockbuster trial. you won't owe anything!

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10
    Originally posted by TRshady@17 February 2003 - 22:27
    You should be fine just adding a new hdd as slave, i did no problems. Its true, FAT32 systems do have it easy when it comes to formatting etc. Anyone know how to format an nfts file system hard-drive?
    Start in safe mode with command,FORMAT C:

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