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Thread: Invision Set Up

  1. #1
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    North East England, UK

    Ive set up an Invision Forum (like this one) and am in the middle of setting it up, so that it looks how I want it to. (like changing logos etc) The only thing I haven't worked out how to do is to change my stars, so that i have nice ones. so far, ive got into >edit admin group through >users and groups in admin CP, but when i type the url of my image, it doesn't like it.

    Does anyone have any experience of this type of board, who could point me in the right direction? do i maybe need a tag, instead of just http://.....?


    (And, yeah, I do realise Paul will obviously know this, but I realise you're incredibly busy, so it's fair enough, if you don't have time )
    <insert signature here>

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    jetje's Avatar former star
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Think you have to ask VB he&#39;s the expert around here B)


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