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Thread: Speedup

  1. #1
    Hello everyone. I read the FAQ already and well i still have one question. When i am going to start SpeedUp it minimizes Kazaa Lite, should i leave like that? I always maximasize it again because that is the only program running. Also, not what is recommended in the settings, what do you guys have for the settings that make downloads fast.

    Good day


    PS: If there is is speed Up, why is KaZap Needed?

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Den Haag, The Netherlands

    if you want to start Kazaa.., don't start it with the Kazaa Short cut! (Minimizes when starting Speedup after that)
    Start Kazaa with the Speedup Icon! (maximizes automaticly and loads both programs)

    It's a normal process...

    Speedup does about the same thing as Kazap, but it works better... they are working on a new Kazap version.
    Kazap has some other options that Speedup doesn't have.. read all about it in this Forum or at the Homepage of K-Lite


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