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Thread: Not Sharing, Good Or Bad? (long)

  1. #1
    Ever since I unbanned myself from Napster, I have been afraid to share. I use the regular Kazaa, not Kazaa lite. I share only video files, I created myself. I have 2000+ mp3s but choose not to share them due to the fact that users can get them from other people. These video files are about 300, but what upsets me is this... ...not a single person whos downloaded off of me shares.

    Being a non sharer in the past I understand reasons like, "I dont want to get introuble with the law, dont want to get banned, dont like it eating up my bandwith..." But this is what is upsetting me, the fact that NO ONE shares. Those user ratings I went from a 0 low to guru basically overnight.

    I wouldn't be so upset if at least one other person shared. ONE. I have an unstable 56k connection with AOL which basically means its a 28k connection. People get greedy and try to download my entire library. Those that concentrate on one single file, are the ones that ever end up completing it.

    I hate how nonsharers would leave me messages telling me that I need to get a faster connection. What the hell?!? They are that greedy?!? First they want every file I have plus they want it faster. Be thankful! Most people would just cancel each sorry attempt.

    I have been sharing these files for months, and still when I do a search, I am the only one carrying it. If ONE person out of the zillion nonsharers shared, other non sharers could have a faster connection, and when I was offline, they could still continue their downloads.

    I am a sick psychotic fanatic that taped every episode of a now canceled series. I get nothing but complaints of speed, never "thanks for ripping" or even "thanks for sharing" If I cancled each nonsharer, there would be no point in sharing period. I have written on each file "please share this file" as a way of suggesting that they dont have to, I wont cancle them like all the mean people, but even if it is just one file, share this one. What should I do? Suggestions? Stories?

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Since your a 56k'er, no need to share. Tell the guys who don't compliment you to f*ck off. It's your choice whether to get a faster connection or not. Besides, sharing as a 56K user will eat up your bandwidth.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Originally posted by UmmYeahOk@18 February 2003 - 00:34
    Ever since I unbanned myself from Napster, I have been afraid to share. I use the regular Kazaa, not Kazaa lite. I share only video files, I created myself. I have 2000+ mp3s but choose not to share them due to the fact that users can get them from other people. These video files are about 300, but what upsets me is this...  ...not a single person whos downloaded off of me shares.

    Being a non sharer in the past I understand reasons like, "I dont want to get introuble with the law, dont want to get banned, dont like it eating up my bandwith..." But this is what is upsetting me, the fact that NO ONE shares. Those user ratings I went from a 0 low to guru basically overnight.

    I wouldn't be so upset if at least one other person shared. ONE. I have an unstable 56k connection with AOL which basically means its a 28k connection. People get greedy and try to download my entire library. Those that concentrate on one single file, are the ones that ever end up completing it.

    I hate how nonsharers would leave me messages telling me that I need to get a faster connection. What the hell?!? They are that greedy?!? First they want every file I have plus they want it faster. Be thankful! Most people would just cancel each sorry attempt.

    I have been sharing these files for months, and still when I do a search, I am the only one carrying it. If ONE person out of the zillion nonsharers shared, other non sharers could have a faster connection, and when I was offline, they could still continue their downloads.

    I am a sick psychotic fanatic that taped every episode of a now canceled series. I get nothing but complaints of speed, never "thanks for ripping" or even "thanks for sharing" If I cancled each nonsharer, there would be no point in sharing period. I have written on each file "please share this file" as a way of suggesting that they dont have to, I wont cancle them like all the mean people, but even if it is just one file, share this one. What should I do? Suggestions? Stories?
    First of all you mention the fact that you are using the original version of really need to do yourself a big favor and get rid of that program. Go to and download the latest version (2.1.0) of kazaalite,its a far superior program than the one you are currently using,without all that Spy/Adware.. "Spybot: Search & Destroy" is also available at the that as well,and run it before you install the new version of k-lite because you dont want ANY part of the original Kazaa in your new program (this will get rid of it for you) I would suggest that you read the features list for the k-lite version while your at the download center because it contains much more detail about the program than I am willing or desire to write here. The k-lite version features great add-on tools also. (free) You also mention the Participation Level (PL) in the original Kazaa.. in my experience, I can tell you that its totally useless, the parameters it uses "defy logic"..dont even try to figure it out,cause you wont. You also mention that no one is sharing files.. this could be very true, but I have a caveat here for ya, in version 2.1.0 there is a"privacy option" which can disable the "find more files from this user" in the search mode..this was done because it was discovered in the previous version that the function could be used to copy that users media file list.. the drawback to using this option is that YOU can appear to be a leach to other users (while your sharing your 3000 files!&#33 so be very careful here. good luck.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
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    Woodstock NY
    Yes I have ad aware and pest patrol pro, and never ran the "original" kazaa, since it is a joke compared to k-lite.

    If you are on 56kI know that you cannot share at first, do what you gotta do.

    **We Understand**

    Spend more time with this here community. As FC is fond of saying this is not so much a kazaa site as a p2p site , and if you got the butter files you'll find a way here to get them out.

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Yeah thats y people get caught but alot of people are sharing and they havent got caught because there using kazaa lite and those other people who did get caught its probley because they have illegal child porn or something stupid like that

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Originally posted by UmmYeahOk@18 February 2003 - 00:34
    Ever since I unbanned myself from Napster, I have been afraid to share. I use the regular Kazaa, not Kazaa lite. I share only video files, I created myself. I have 2000+ mp3s but choose not to share them due to the fact that users can get them from other people. These video files are about 300, but what upsets me is this...  ...not a single person whos downloaded off of me shares.

    Being a non sharer in the past I understand reasons like, "I dont want to get introuble with the law, dont want to get banned, dont like it eating up my bandwith..." But this is what is upsetting me, the fact that NO ONE shares. Those user ratings I went from a 0 low to guru basically overnight.

    I wouldn't be so upset if at least one other person shared. ONE. I have an unstable 56k connection with AOL which basically means its a 28k connection. People get greedy and try to download my entire library. Those that concentrate on one single file, are the ones that ever end up completing it.

    I figured I'd open a new thread here, as the other was quite lengthly.I can really understand where your coming from because I've been there myself. I used to obsess over things like this. Unlike yourself,I am on a broadband connection that I leave open 24/7 I would allocate 15 upload slots at 1 simultaneous upload per user at a time before I went to bed. I have to tell you that it used to royally piss me off when I would get up in the morning and find that literally several hundred files where uploaded to users that shared no files..not ONE. yeah..its wrong,this is not what p2p is supposed to be about. but you know what, you cant do anything about it,so why pull your hair out?? yeah, I had 'Dewey' trying to download several 100Mb. files off me with his lightning fast 0.13Kb/s connection !! and then get mad at me because I cancelled his download ! Hey, I share my files, thats me. You got alot of greedy bastards out there,dont let it get to you. I look at it like this.. what goes around, comes around..eventually. I feel good being ME.. I sleep well at night.

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
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    Nov 2002
    It could also be possible that the people who downloaded the file are one different supernodes, and thus, you would not find them.
    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
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    Woodstock NY
    Generally I allow 4 downloads and 1 per user, unless it is some of more rare or whatever stuff I have like Survivor 5 Thailand or Trigun.

    Other than that, I say again, a lot of the time you cannot actually verify the "find more from same user" option since it seems kinda buggy and they DO give users to option to not share lmao.

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    RPerry's Avatar Synergy BT Rep: Bad Rep
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    Lakeland, Florida
    I have to tell you that it used to royally piss me off when I would get up in the morning and find that literally several hundred files where uploaded to users that shared no files..not ONE.
    were the people you checked still uploading from you? I have never been able to browse a users files unless they were either uploding or downloading from me at the time. I leave my connection open while I'm asleep as well, and found that i couldn't browse the files of completed upload users. Is it the same for everyone, or is this a problem with my version?

  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    Its like this, I like using regular Kazaa. I like the idea of people knowing who I am, that these are my files, because when I registered every info I gave them was fake. All they can do is ban me, which proved to napster pointless, cuz I can just get a new account. I also have ad-aware, and cracked their little spyware, no ads, nothing. I did this long ago, had I known a year or two back, I would have switched.

    Also, sometimes I do try to reply to the comments, explaining the unfairness of someone downloading off of me has a great connection and chooses not to share, where as me, sucky connection, being so damn generous. However, how many of you actually messaged a person and had a reply? whenever I try to reply, theyre no longer on.

    I know I am the only person with these files. So the second I stop sharing is the second these tv series die again.

    An no offense to any of you, oviously non of you have DLed off of me, because I would say differently... ...but I dont like kazaalitusers., or even defaultusers for that matter, those are the majority that DL off of me... and guess what? NONE OF THEM share. Infact, the only reason I'm here is because a nonsharer called "www.k-lite.tk_Improved_Kazaa" downloaded off of me. And guess what... ...a nonsharer. Other boards on other sites talk about these people. Course they are all retarded and believe that because of one name, they are one person, and downloading everything. Therefore, I heard that some of them cancle them regardless of if they're sharing or not.

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