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Thread: Clean Kmd 2.6.0

  1. #21
    Aretak's Avatar Member
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    United Kingdom
    Actually, I'd say this version is better than the KChat one for me personally. There are a lot of programs bundled in the KChat build which are simply useless, like eDexter and Ktoolbar for a start. eDexter is totally unrequired, and Ktoolbar just sucks up resources, and crashes every single time I close KaZaA. There's also Diet K, a program which neither does much nor works properly under Windows 98.

    The KChat build is still excellent, but I prefer the fact that this one has so little bloat by comparison.

  2. File Sharing   -   #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by Aretak@24 December 2003 - 19:32
    Actually, I'd say this version is better than the KChat one for me personally. There are a lot of programs bundled in the KChat build which are simply useless, like eDexter and Ktoolbar for a start. eDexter is totally unrequired, and Ktoolbar just sucks up resources, and crashes every single time I close KaZaA. There's also Diet K, a program which neither does much nor works properly under Windows 98.

    The KChat build is still excellent, but I prefer the fact that this one has so little bloat by comparison.
    So you say edexter is uneed - dont install it! ktoolbar is a very handy tool and takes up very little resources. Diet-k adds lots of features, like a built in accelerator and autosearch more, i think you would find those three tools very useful. your choice in the end however.

  3. File Sharing   -   #23
    Aretak's Avatar Member
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    United Kingdom
    Originally posted by Kunal@24 December 2003 - 18:57
    So you say edexter is uneed - dont install it!  ktoolbar is a very handy tool and takes up very little resources. Diet-k adds lots of features, like a built in accelerator and autosearch more, i think you would find those three tools very useful. your choice in the end however.
    I don't see why eDexter is there in the first place though. It's a pretty pointless program, and doesn't do much worth noting. The only thing it did for me is hide the "This page cannot be displayed." message on the start page. I don't feel the need to have it running just to do that.

    Ktoolbar is "very handy" you say? If by "very handy" you mean "crashes a lot", "isn't needed" and "should be optional", then I fully agree. As it is though, I couldn't find a way to disable it other than closing it when the program opened, but often it crashed by that time anyway.

    As for Diet-K, sure, the download accelerator feature might be useful, but I really didn't notice much difference without using it on my 56k connection. As for the autosearch more feature, it didn't work for me using Windows 98SE, and neither did a lot of the other features (the option to hide the Channel bar for instance was useful, but it reset every time I closed the program).

    Look, I'm really not trying to insult your work here. I think the KLChat version is fantastic, and it's great that people like you are trying to keep things going for people like me who'd be stuffed otherwise. However on an old PC like mine, I could do without any of the extra programs that are bundled with it, and this version gives me that. If I had a more powerful PC then yeah, the KLChat version would be my choice, but as it is I'd rather have the less bloated version.

    Sorry if I've caused you any offence mate -- just stating my personal preference.

  4. File Sharing   -   #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    ^ Exactly what he said! i have no idea what eDexter is and what it does?

  5. File Sharing   -   #25
    erRor67's Avatar Lord Of Everything
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    all eDexter does is replace the ads that the HOSTS file blocked with nothing! That way you dont get that annoying 'Page cannot be displayed' error in place of the ad. But yeah, if you got a slow computer then dont install eDexter, I mean, nothing wrong with seeing the 'Page cannot be displayed' error. I just prefer the ad to be replayed by nothing rather than the error. I also prefer Kazaa #KLchat since i like the addon tools. But i got a fast computer and shit, so just use what u like. No big deal...
    blah blah blah... whatever...

  6. File Sharing   -   #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    edexter uses 3mb ram at tops, hardly anything thats gonna effext system resources/speed. Also if you noticed all files in #klchat are optional - you choose what you want installing

    Look, I'm really not trying to insult your work here
    i didnt make it, so doesnt offend me

  7. File Sharing   -   #27
    m.lawrence's Avatar KazaaLite User
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    The overall point being,and I fully agree,is that by making these great updates incompatible with win 98, and slower machines, you are alienating alot of people who love klite and want "in" on the updates being worked on.Perhaps the underlying consensus is we should just go get a better machine and win xp.Well some of us cannot.Should we be pushed out of the klite community because of that fact?Question.Why is it apparently so difficult to make these updates backwards compatable to win 98?Surely the programmers have access to a win 98 machine.

  8. File Sharing   -   #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    a freind of mine runs #klchat build on a p400 with 64mb ram, he installed the full build and works without lagging. so if you dont call that pc slow, how do you define 'slow?'

  9. File Sharing   -   #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ro, Constanţa
    i downloaded cleankmd by accident, trying to find klchat rc6. I think it&#39;s a nice version, more tidy than klchat. BUT there are blocked ads everywhere, and i&#39;m starting to get sick with *this page cannot be displayed*&#33; I saw that the latest #klchat build <RC6> had most of the ads replaced with other sites&#33; it still has one ad at the search tab, but nothing big&#33; too bad that the pages have limited bandwidth, so we can&#39;t see anything at the moment, but we can change them with DietK&#33; And I too find the toolbar useless.

    So cleankmd is good, but #klchat RC6 is the best&#33;

    And about cleankmd 2.4.4, i don&#39;t like it&#33;

  10. File Sharing   -   #30
    this does not even work for me, just loads up in the systry and then crashes

    Winxp home SP2 beta 1 build 2055

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