DVD Screeners How Do i convert them in to mpeg eg VCD or SVCD I am useing TMPGEnc and wen i try it.
It ses this
Do i need codecs if so wot one will work with DVD Screeners so i can convert them Thanks Night Assassin
DVD Screeners How Do i convert them in to mpeg eg VCD or SVCD I am useing TMPGEnc and wen i try it.
It ses this
Do i need codecs if so wot one will work with DVD Screeners so i can convert them Thanks Night Assassin
1. Your pic does not show, Geocities does not allow linking, change to another hoster.
2. Try reviewing the tips - 'Newbie' Section at Vcdhelp.com. Should be able to get all you need, just take the time to review and you will be on your way in no time. I pickedit up in that method and nw I can't stop burning
"8-ball Corner Pocket"