I sent a mail to the RIAA along similar lines to this, but they're to busy to respond to me.
I guess they keep an eye on this site, so maybe someone would care to respond to this here?
When the RIAA accuse p2p network users of theft, they are more or less correct. But on the other hand, is the music indusrty doing anything positive to combat the problem?
Nope. They're doing (or threatening) plenty of negative actions. 'We'll sue you', 'all your favourite bands will starve', etc etc.
So, a couple of questions;
1. If I want to PAY for my music (and as an expat living in the ass of the world, I can't always get it locally), what do I do? I checked out the suggested paysites on RIAA. They are lame to say the least. I'm not bashing religion, but if a 'christian music' paysite is supposed to quench my thirst for current stuff, I'd suggest they get my Grandmother in as webamster.
I'm not saying that everybody has this view, but in my case, I am genuinely prepared to pay, but nothing is on offer.
2. The music companies also make a lot of noise about this. Likewise, they offer NOTHING online. It's all hard copies. I'd never receive it (I have tried).
3. So reconcile this. For a band to be successful (profitable), they need to get their music out the door. The fantastic distribution systems that the RIAA tell us add so much to the cost don;t extend to half the world. They can't deliver, we can't collect, so in fact they are saying 'we'd rather you didn't hear it than steal it'.
That's bullshit. I can tell you, someone mailed me an MP3 of Avril Levigne, and as soon as I could, I bought the CD. The mailing of the MP3 was illegal, but becuase of it, I bought the CD. I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't heard the MP3.
And I can also tell you, I have around 500 CD's - that's 300 gigs of music - 6 - 7000 tracks? I have maybe 60 - 70 illegal MP3's. Am I so unusual? I doubt it.
So, my advice to the RIAA - if you're gonna bust me, don't bust me for doing something that YOU have totally failed to remedy. If I'm stealing something that YOU are selling, OK. But I'm not.
Think of it as simple economics. There is demand, but no supply. p2p has filled the supply gap. If you want to change that, get off your asses.