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Thread: Kazaa Lite Resurrection

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Righteyo just finnished downloading KLR 2.4.7 And here are my comments

    * Glad the filter got updated (Thanks)
    * New webpage looks good but i recon you should use third-party webpages (From SuperSonic i think his name is)
    * The Change From "My Kazaa Lite Resurrection" to "My KLR" Made for alot clean-lee-ness (sorry didnt know how to spell it)

    * Still No "My Archive" button (Highly needed)
    * No FAQ for N00bs (This is need so we dont get bomb-barded with stupid quiestions on the boards)
    * No AVIPreviewer (People like options to choose from)
    * (Not to important) Random Nut is spelt in the "About Kazaa Lite Resurrection as "random nut" not "Random Nut"
    * "Users cant get a list of all your files" is by default ticked this should become unticked by default
    * Unders Skins there is a Default one but when choosen a message appears saying it doesnt have the right or all files needed
    * "Ignore all incoming messages" is ticked by default but should come unticked by default to help us all share the word of Kazaa Lite Resurrection (I know this probebly aint a big one)
    * Maximum Bandwidth to be used to transfer to other kazaa users shouldnt be Unlimited it should be at least 2048KBPS by default

    These are just my opinions though please comment (No flaming plz)

    Hey Darth if you need people to beta test for you email me ill be more then intrested
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  2. File Sharing   -   #132
    Originally posted by Kesta@3 January 2004 - 10:54
    Righteyo just finnished downloading KLR 2.4.7 And here are my comments

    * Glad the filter got updated (Thanks)
    * New webpage looks good but i recon you should use third-party webpages (From SuperSonic i think his name is)
    * The Change From "My Kazaa Lite Resurrection" to "My KLR" Made for alot clean-lee-ness (sorry didnt know how to spell it)

    * Still No "My Archive" button (Highly needed)
    * No FAQ for N00bs (This is need so we dont get bomb-barded with stupid quiestions on the boards)
    * No AVIPreviewer (People like options to choose from)
    * (Not to important) Random Nut is spelt in the "About Kazaa Lite Resurrection as "random nut" not "Random Nut"
    * "Users cant get a list of all your files" is by default ticked this should become unticked by default
    * Unders Skins there is a Default one but when choosen a message appears saying it doesnt have the right or all files needed
    * "Ignore all incoming messages" is ticked by default but should come unticked by default to help us all share the word of Kazaa Lite Resurrection (I know this probebly aint a big one)
    * Maximum Bandwidth to be used to transfer to other kazaa users shouldnt be Unlimited it should be at least 2048KBPS by default

    These are just my opinions though please comment (No flaming plz)

    Hey Darth if you need people to beta test for you email me ill be more then intrested
    1. What My Archive button? I don't remember anyone suggesting this. If they did I must have overlooked your post. Please explain.

    2. I'm not really good at writing stuff. I'd appreciate it if someone else could write one and post it please.

    3. I'll put AVI Preview back in the next version because people seem to have liked it so much.

    4. His name is "random nut". That's even what it said on the About dialog for Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.3.

    5. I have it checked simply because of the RIAA.

    6. It works fine for me.

    7. Ok, I'll change it in the next version.

    8. I think it should be unlimited so that files get passed around as fast as possible. If you have a good reason to limit it, tell me.

  3. File Sharing   -   #133
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    "Users cant get a list of all your files" is by default ticked this should become unticked by default
    Ok kesta to explain a few things, ever since the RIAA, and maybe before. Kazaa Lite has always come defaulted with it checked. Sure i admit in the bar it says no shared files. When you search by user. But if you were to download from that person, you can see that file you are downloading from them.

    The allow incoming messeges as far as i know of, were checked because RIAA was using that as a weapon against p2p users as threats. That is what i have heard, i uncheck it.

    If there is no FAQ i would be happy to write one up, me and darth talk every now and then. I can always send him a FAQ sheet.

    In short if your unhappy about things being checked, uncheck the boxes. We can say we warned you, if the riaa comes knocking on your door.

    Your not thinking correctly with the how many bytes and bits of bandwith means, there is 8 bits in a byte, there is 1,056 bytes that make a kilobyte, then 1,056 kilobytes makes a 1 megabyte, 1,056 megabytes equals 1 gigabyte 1,000 gigabytes equals 1 terabyteYour number of
    is not possible. Even for a T1 line or even a T2 line I myself have 2 megabit connection and 256 upload. Your number is like 768k upload, we would not able to view webpages, log into messengers, etc upload speed effects download speed. Darth do not change the default sharing most people will die at that extreme upload number. 64 bits i even start to choke my connection, (16kilobytes upload speed) I give 32 bits out which equals (4kilobytes a second) Plus with that upload bandwith to share no dail up user can not acess anything. I say this because if that number chokes a T1 or even a T2 line. It kills and slaughters dail up users. They can only download 3-5 kilobytes a second. The rest of that connection, is use to view webpages, which is 33-38 kilobytes upload. Your pretty much asking everyone to unistall chat clients, never open mozilla, or internet explorer. And keep to very low download speeds on kazaa. Because if you upload that number, your probably gonna have slow downloads as well.

  4. File Sharing   -   #134
    Why the ridiculously stupid name? I'm confused...

  5. File Sharing   -   #135
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    It's symbolic in its own ways, Because sharman killed most of the kazaa lite links and downloads. Kazaa lite ressurection refers to it as like a phoenix, that rose from its ashes. It is symbolism to show we will not give up and we will continue to fight like say matrix reloaded and matrix revolutions. When zion is threatened they fought, when kazaa lite is threanted we fight.

  6. File Sharing   -   #136
    Sharman Network only shut down the kazaa lite++ homepage and links not the downloads, the program and the network never got shut down or altered at all and so the name shouldnt be changed either.

    And a phoenix rising from its ashes? do we really need to associate Klite with harry potter? and about continuing to fight...we're supposed to be developing a program and keeping the network not fighting a war against legality. Filesharing is already so popular that it cannot be shut down completely, so you should concentrate on inproving the software and not fighting a war which has already been won.

    and you spelt threatened wrong

  7. File Sharing   -   #137
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    so did you with improving

  8. File Sharing   -   #138
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    so did you with improving.
    are you going to release a translation pack for this resurrection?

  9. File Sharing   -   #139
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Tisk, tisk... pervert.
    Originally posted by jamesandpie@3 January 2004 - 21:23
    And a phoenix rising from its ashes? do we really need to associate Klite with harry potter?
    That is a major assumption I must say.

    Have you ever even heard of a Phoenix?

    They were recognised waaaaaaay before Harry Potter.

    It is also a rather common figure of speech.

  10. File Sharing   -   #140
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I can work on a german version here since i have a few friends that can translate it

    And there is changes to ressurection if you look hard enough

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