Edit: this problem has now been solved. See post no.15 for details. Thanks to everyone who offered advice.
I have a serious problem with my girlfriend's computer. All of a sudden, it only seems to be able to detect 127MB of RAM when it should find 128. When I try to load my RAM tool (Cacheman), it can't start up, and I get an Out Of Resources error when I try to run most programs.
I think there must be some kind of fault with the top 1MB of RAM, so there's a problem when Windows tries to load stuff into it.
Does anyone know anything about this?
System specs: (It's crap, her mum and dad went and got conned...)
800 MHz Cyrix-III CPU
128MB SDRAM (I think it's PC100 rather than PC133)
Gigabyte 810E motherboard with all sorts of integrated crap.
128k NTL cable modem
Running Windows 98 SE with all available updates and tons of apps.
Please help - things started to go wrong while I was working on the machine and whatever happened will therefore be my fault...
edit: arrgh... keep getting page not found errors when I try to post! sorry about the multiple posts, I thought the posts wouldn't have come up because of the page not found errors. Admins: please delete two of the threads...
edit 2: I see they're gone now - cheers.