Originally posted by 28 December 2003 - 13:44
I would gladly donate my organ to Lilmiss. 
And so, it was just about at this point in the thread where it lost whatever serious and mature theme it may have carried....perhaps for someone who was being faced with their own life-saving decision about a family member in desperate need of a kidney or some other vital organ.

As is too often the case, another thread is hijacked and has now lost it's relevance and original message by those thinking life (and death) is just one big joke.
As I look around the other KL Forum discussion groups I don't see one any more appropriate than the Lounge to bring up a serious topic such as organ donation if one chooses to present the subject to KL members as a group. Perhaps some threads should be treated with a touch of respect and the jokes left to all the other threads where humour and jest is more fitting.

Serious illness and impending death of a close family member is no joke. Especially, when through the heroic and unselfish act of one brave individual who happend to have the same blood type as my cousin Rene, agreed to the bone-marrow transplant that allowed Rene to have a second chance at life. Rene was suffering from Acute myloid leukaemia. Thanks to this relative, who wishes to always remain annonymous, she was home from the hospital just in time for Christmas with the family and so far is doing fine.