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Thread: To Spammers, Read This

  1. #1
    Out of The Ordinary
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    From VB's rules topic
    Spamming is not permitted; please keep all your posts as constructive as possible.
    I'm new to this forum but I'm not a forum newbie.[*]A forum is a place to get help, make friends and help other members with problems. I guess everyone can agree with that.

    But I see so much spam around here and I waste My time opening topic's that interest Me. I dont wanna open a interesting topic that was started IE Feb. 18th 06:00am and then somebody reply IE 19th 09:00am quoting the entire post and only post a huge collection of smilies.

    I sure dont wanna read a reply with just a smilie.
    Now We none spammers has to PM an Moderator about this particular post (spam) with a link....Then the Moderators has to open Their inbox click the link and delete/edit the post (spam).
    So much work for nothing?

    Yes a Moderators job is to do this stuff, but wouldnt it be better if We all post more quality posts?
    Dont spam and You'll be respected by others.

    This isnt <s>hotmail</s> there&#39;s no junk filter.
    [*]Spammers should be banned or have Their post count cutted down 30-40%.[*]Maybe start temp banning spammers IE one week or two?

    Do I sound bitter? I hope not.


  2. Everything Related to the Board   -   #2
    I agree also that posts should be of quality and substance, it would make the quest for knowledge/information easier on all of us
    We do need some fun too though. It&#39;s all about achieving a good balance. Basically think, if you think noone will want to read your post or think its a good post....don&#39;t post it

  3. Everything Related to the Board   -   #3
    I agree with the your post, [B][O][T], But...
    Spammers should be banned or have Their post count cutted down 30-40%.

    Maybe start temp banning spammers IE one week or two?
    This is too harsh.

    Spammers should be warned and their post count cut by 10 post counts.
    If they continue to spam after the warning then ban them for 1 day for the first offense.
    If they don&#39;t comply after that then...

  4. Everything Related to the Board   -   #4
    And maybe also included in the warning different examples of spamming so the spammer knows what not to do again

  5. Everything Related to the Board   -   #5
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Louisville Kentucky
    Most of the time the threads turn into debates of that topic around here,we are not spaming...we are debateing.Alot of people do not understand matter where the topic leads too everybody thinks it is spam or that people are doing it to run up their post total.

    When a person really needs help with something around here,9 times out of 10 they will get it.They will get PMed by somebody with the answer or from the thread.If they did not get their answer they will post it again later on or bump that thread back to the top.

    We have asked for more rooms I do not know how many times,people are always posting about Movies and Music...which is the reason some of us come here.

    I am in the middle of doing a petition online to get our voice heard from the Administrators and MODs on this board.With more rooms and sections the MODs will not have to move threads all over the place.

    The spamers(me and a few others) are the people that love this place more then the rest.You think we are makeing the threads go off topic on purpose?We read the thread and then we go with it,it is hard for some of us.....but we try.

    Them smilies are an expression of how that person feels.....another sticky I think should be explained to the NOOBS.....them smilies can go along way to show how you feel about somebodys statement.

    The people are trying to work with the MODs on all of this.Since the verified rooms have gone this place has turned into a wreck.There is only a few rooms now...I do not see why we can not have rooms about Movies,Games and Music without the verifieds for the time being.It is what the verifieds were also about...them discussions.

    The lounge is nice,its where I have made most of my post.....but it is also a party room...where anything goes and should be explained upon entering that room.You post a thread in the lounge and don&#39;t be surprised if it goes haywire.

    I love this place,can not really explain it brother.Have never really felt that way about something online...have been to other forums/boards...but none like this.
    It reminds me of the Cheers song....."Where everybody knows your name".Maybe it is a bar/pub to me in the 21st century.I still love the local bars don&#39;t get me wrong but sometimes it feels the same to me around here.

    I could go on and on about what I think should be done and how I feel about being called a spamer and what not...but I will not.I have other threads to go read...other statements to be made.

    FC B)

  6. Everything Related to the Board   -   #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Nice reply FC..where do i sign your petition??IMO this place is going down hill fast.Mods&admin need to listen to us&#33;&#33;

  7. Everything Related to the Board   -   #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I fully agree with you FC&#33;&#33; good post. <- o_O&#33;&#33; smilie&#33;&#33;&#33;

    there&#39;s nothing wrong with a little debate. and maybe it happens more often now, i don&#39;t know, but we definatley need more rooms. games/movies/music... they could then get merged with the old verifieds sections when they come back.

  8. Everything Related to the Board   -   #8
    Forum Star
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    Oct 2002
    Maryland, USA
    FC, I think maybe BOT might be referring to posts such as this:

    Forget MARS.....I want to visit Saturn.
    Notice the lack of debatable value in the above quote.
    This was a post of yours in the pinned topic about the verifieds in this section. That thread is also the same thread that deals with why we were looking to change board software. You know the one that hit you so strongly yesterday, because you professed to never hearing about it before.

    Now, I know in the case that I quoted, that&#39;s not really your fault, you were following suite from others, but it&#39;s an example that I&#39;d like to see less of. This particular forum is being used by some basically as the lounge, and it&#39;s not. As such, I think a little more responsibility and self-discipline with regards to posting here is not entirely out of the question.

  9. Everything Related to the Board   -   #9
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Louisville Kentucky
    Originally posted by El_Jefe@19 February 2003 - 03:55
    FC, I think maybe BOT might be referring to posts such as this:

    Forget MARS.....I want to visit Saturn.
    Notice the lack of debatable value in the above quote.
    This was a post of yours in the pinned topic about the verifieds in this section. That thread is also the same thread that deals with why we were looking to change board software. You know the one that hit you so strongly yesterday, because you professed to never hearing about it before.

    Now, I know in the case that I quoted, that&#39;s not really your fault, you were following suite from others, but it&#39;s an example that I&#39;d like to see less of. This particular forum is being used by some basically as the lounge, and it&#39;s not. As such, I think a little more responsibility and self-discipline with regards to posting here is not entirely out of the question.
    Maybe a few more rooms would help that problem.I can show alot of post of me going off my above statement more.

  10. Everything Related to the Board   -   #10
    Originally posted by RDanneskjold@19 February 2003 - 09:25
    And maybe also included in the warning different examples of spamming so the spammer knows what not to do again
    this would make the spammers understand not to spam

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