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Thread: Fat32 Versus Nt

  1. #1
    Anyone out there illuminate me on the strengths and weaknesses of 2000Pro against XP Pro?

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    If you want to know if Windows 2000 or XP Pro is better go with XP Pro, it does everything that 2000 does plus it can handle media and XP has a nicer interface. I would recommend NTFS over Fat32 anyday as it is just designed to be more reliable and secure, so when you format your harddrive you have no reason not to use NTFS file system over Fat32.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Yeah, i agree, NFTS definetly is better.
    I use win2k pro because my 500mhz pc works faster with it, but would upgrade if I could. The downside to nfts is formatting, its so hard to do. Anyone how to format an nfts hdd?

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    Thanks guys, guess mine was just an idle question anyhow. I've downloaded two dud XP pro's already Third time lucky maybe?

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Originally posted by TRshady@19 February 2003 - 16:08
    Yeah, i agree, NFTS definetly is better.
    I use win2k pro because my 500mhz pc works faster with it, but would upgrade if I could. The downside to nfts is formatting, its so hard to do. Anyone how to format an nfts hdd?
    The DOS format command doesn't recognise NTFS hdd's, so when you try to format it, it'll probably say invaild drive spec. What you have to do is run fdisk, delete the partition, create a new FAT one, reboot and format that.


    edit: typo

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    thank you, wise one , thats one thing Ive never known. Cheers!

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    For any multimedia system you should use NTFS. VOB Files( DVD Ripped to your hard drive) will be bigger than 2 gigs and FAT 32 systems( Windows 9X) wont allow you to have any file over 2 gigs.

    Having the entire DVD Ripped into 1 file will make encoding easier and is just more convenient than using a FAT 32 system which is more prone to instability.

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    oh yeah, I just remembered lol - I reckon xp+ntfs is better than 2k, although it's said 2k is more a lot more secure but.. just use xp.

  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    There is also the security benifit of it. It keeps your files much more secure.
    I also believe it is faster

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    you can share fat32 drives with any linux distros you have installed.

    but ntfs is better for stability of the os.

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