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Thread: Taking Away 1000 Participation

  1. #1
    i read its faster when it isnt at 1000 because people know your cheating. i share 35 gigs and i leave my computer on most nights so i dont think i ahve to worry about my level i want to see if it is faster without the cheat or not and i change it in more options but it still says im 1000.... help?

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    CornerPocket's Avatar Retired
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    Jul 2002
    aTx, USA
    Obtain a older version, see download section, see if that helps.
    "8-ball Corner Pocket"

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Originally posted by r0b0t@19 February 2003 - 13:56
    i read its faster when it isnt at 1000 because people know your cheating. i share 35 gigs and i leave my computer on most nights so i dont think i ahve to worry about my level i want to see if it is faster without the cheat or not and i change it in more options but it still says im 1000.... help?
    I had that happen to me once.. it was fixed with a re-boot.


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