I have JUST released a new version of KazaaSearch which includes file browser.
19 Feb 2003 - version 2.3.6
1. User IP browser has been added to KazaaSearch. I suppose it is slightly better than DietK browser fo the following reasons:
1) it allows to discriminate between situations when user is just offline and when he is online but Kazaa is off/disconnected;
2) it does NOT spoil the username that appears in Uploads and Search results, and hence, you can SEND A MESSAGE to that user. DietKaza changes username (adds random number and replaces @KaZaA -> @dietk.com) which prevents one from sending a Kazaa message to that user.
2. Refresh procedure (downloads accelerator) now expands multi-user downloads and sends "Find more sources" command to each individual item, thus increasing efficiency.