hey guys.. tis me Tommygunn/Vandiem this is the last name change i promise!
we got banned from Quakenet due to filesharing.. mainly because alot of us used these scripts to advertise stuff so from now on we will have color coding banned until otherwise.... what this means is..
if you want a specific song come in.. and ask ONCE... if we have it we share it.. if you spam IRCOPS (the server gods) will notice us...
the plan is to stay small...
also mp3 scripts and FTP scripts ARE permitted but they have to be in normal text no bold no underscore no colors...
the NEW server is :
Description : Gamesnet: Random east US server
server: east.gamesnet.net
: west.gamesnet.net
either is fine
the port is 6667
this room should be better no netsplits and junk like that..
we will get bots and thing's restored as normal... bear with us
just imagine! no board or IRC!
in all the excitement i had this pointed out to me
[23:23:02:] <UKMan> Romeo| => you forgot to give the #KLchat room name
so in light of this new evidence...
same name guys just different server TY ukman