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Thread: Faster Downloading

  1. #1
    I have a new high speed connection, but I don't understand why when I find files to share with a high bandwidth and an ETA of seconds (usually under a minute) they still go slow. I have in the past been able to download as fast as 120-130 kb/s. I don't understand the inconsistency. Are there any suggestions or hints to make my downloads more consistent?

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Originally posted by curtdany@26 February 2003 - 23:26
    I have a new high speed connection, but I don't understand why when I find files to share with a high bandwidth and an ETA of seconds (usually under a minute) they still go slow.  I have in the past been able to download as fast as 120-130 kb/s.  I don't understand the inconsistency.  Are there any suggestions or hints to make my downloads more consistent?
    I find that if I disable KaZup and use Speed Up with the find more sources option set at 120 secs. I get faster downloads. I also find this to be the case when there are multiple users sharing a file.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Don' forget to keep searching for the file and enable autosearchmore in combination with Speed-up and/or KaZap!.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    I believe that is the programs best guess of how fast it will finish. Its not set in stone. It will also go down with more users. Usually when i search, i don't get the 40 some users i get in my search, but a handful. Leave on ur get more sources, and it should pick up.

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Yep, there are many factors on how your bandwidth is used for DL'ing. Thats why its good to have a good amount of sources before downloading and even while your still downloading. Most of the time, users won't have any upload slots open or their U/L bandwidth is being take up by someone else. It's just luck of the draw, faith and patience


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