Has any of you guys downloaded a working version yet . I've downloaded disc 1 four times all were corrupted. Anyone had any luck.
Has any of you guys downloaded a working version yet . I've downloaded disc 1 four times all were corrupted. Anyone had any luck.
4 times?!? You downloaded it 4 times! I've been trying since I first got the links for the iso's a last monday and I haven't downloaded a full disk yet!
Is it just me or is it getting near impossible to get quality stuff off KaZaA anymore. My roommate downloaded a song tonight, 4 times from 4 different users and none of them worked. Some song from Godsmack. None of my speeds go above 10kbs for long anymore and I'm on cable. It just seems that over the past few weeks, getting anything on KaZaA as fast as I used to was impossible. More fakes than ever before. I even tried the other file shareing progs, but KaZaA is the only one I like. Oh well, I guess I'll just live with it.
A few tips boomer - for iso's type 'flt' or 'deviance' however alot are just initials, C&C generals for example comes up as 'ccg' most of its guess work if they are large files you got yourself an iso
Also try jumping supernodes often if downloads are slow and share decent stuff
or you tend to be cut off by the downloader - I'd also try ryan's bundle pack which seemed to work better for me but I don't know why.
hope these help some
Have you downloaded this version:
And someone please move this topic to the Gameworld. B)
I love the new forums.
not to shun KLite or Kazaa in general but for software, EDonkey, Overnet, Emule, MLDonkey, any of the donkey clients are better as every share reactor release is quite widespread but the only downfall is that unless you properly configure (as far as i know its only in Edonkey tho) the dl speeds are insanely slow...i would reccomend checking their site at EDonkey Page, Overnet Page,EMule Page
wow, i got a fully working version in a day or two. Not even a single corrupted sector when I scanned it. Must be horrible luck for you.
I have an excellent WORKING ISO of Generals Disk 1 will trade for good Disk 2... I have CRC errors in disk 2 but 1 works like a champ (data2 off disk 2 is the culprit)
i have excellent working copies of both CD's, lol...
if you are having trouble with one, try using the CDmage program to see if it can fix the errors...
works great and u cant beat free
thanx DarkiternityNow its nice ideea where have you been before i'll try
For all my games i don't download them off kazaa. Always stick to emule now. Almost every game i get with kazaa is corrupted. Haven't had a problem with emule yet. I do post the links up for games on kazaa, so you guys have good links, but its worse getting a game, because you will have to download it 5 or 6 times to get a good copy. It only took me a day to get c&c generals off emule, but i do upload like a mother.