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Thread: Kazaa Crash After A While

  1. #21
    newcster68's Avatar Taxicab Co. Owner
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Greensboro, NC
    Originally posted by 022@12 January 2004 - 00:23
    what version do you using? can you email me where can I find it???
    You can Try any of these versions but I use the 210 ver.


  2. File Sharing   -   #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    can someone tell me please, everytime i change to a new page in this forum an error message comes up saying 'script error' with other bits of information informing me of the problem and then it gives me the option of going ahead or not, whats that all about?

  3. File Sharing   -   #23
    newcster68's Avatar Taxicab Co. Owner
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Greensboro, NC
    Originally posted by zedd@12 January 2004 - 02:28
    can someone tell me please, everytime i change to a new page in this forum an error message comes up saying 'script error' with other bits of information informing me of the problem and then it gives me the option of going ahead or not, whats that all about?
    I have been having the same problems to plus I keep getting this at the bottom left:

    Must be an script error in the board..

  4. File Sharing   -   #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by newcster68@12 January 2004 - 01:20
    His internet provider has nothing to do with Kazaa crashing. I had this same problems 2 times and it has to do with the resources that the program uses. Also yes, it definately is a bad .dat file in your saved folder, whether you see it or not it could be a movie that you extracted from a tar file, winzip, etc and the movie was extracted incorrectly which corrupts the movie even though you can watch it ok. I have said this many times before and I will say it again. Ever since these guys have kept on changing things in the kazaa program, updating it, adding, subtracting, etc. they are only screwing it up more and more. It don't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I went back to using the 3rd version that was put out and have never had the problem again.
    Yes, the ISP/internet connection is an unlikely cause of crashes. However, it is remotely possible to cause KL++ to crash due to bad networking data caused by corrupted data packets.

    With that said, what you said (bad DAT file) is the MOST likely cause of crashes.

    The second most likely is software or firmware conflicts in his computer.

    The third is bugs in KL++ -- it's become a house of cards built by people who don't communicate with the original makers enough to insure 100% compatibility. (And naturally, that's impossible because the original makers -- Sharman -- are complete a$$hole$.)

  5. File Sharing   -   #25
    Originally posted by zedd@12 January 2004 - 02:28
    can someone tell me please, everytime i change to a new page in this forum an error message comes up saying 'script error' with other bits of information informing me of the problem and then it gives me the option of going ahead or not, whats that all about?
    go to internet options and take the tick mark off of Disable Script Debuging.

  6. File Sharing   -   #26
    Thanks newcster68! It actually works! You're the man!

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