Hello everybody, I have a few quick questions for anybody who is more Kazaa savy than I am. If I wanted to find the origin of a fragmented mpeg file, ( at least it appears to be in a fragmented form, mabey posted that way to Kazaa to begin with ) would that be possible?
If so, how would I go about doing that? Also, if this file had different sections of it floating around Kazaa, ( ex. I've downloaded a section 2000kb, [independant of the original file ex. the file was originally 5000kb, but has been seperated by other users] but there are other continuations of the file [ex. part 2, 3, etc. ] at least, I assume there are. I may be wrong ) how would I be able to find these files.
Would I be able to do a cross reference search on Kazaa?
If anybody has any suggestions I'd be very greatful to hear them. I know you're all probably pretty confused right now, sorry about that.
The file I'm talking about is entitled " mom and son have sex " , or " Lady gets nailed on the end of bed " , or " Straight - amature couple f***ing " there are quite a few variations of the title, but it's the same file. Anybody got any ideas? Anybody seen other parts to this file I may have missed? A beginning, or an end? I'm very concerned with this file. Does anybody know where is originated?
Thanks a million people!