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Thread: Hhheeeelllpppp !

  1. #1
    Okay so like here is the dealio... I just now started to download movie.. I have quite a few now.. all of them were playin peachy and what not... then I had start transfering them to vcd format.. that went great.. I had to dl like 7 programs to do this.... it wasn't hard to do.... But then I stick in 3 of my other movies..AND THEY ARE GGRRREEEENNN !!!! WHY !!!! They are the same as the other movies... written on with the same ink !!!
    I have dl'ed like 15 movies... and for some odd reason when I put these discs in these 3 movies they are green !! AHHH !!!! So I re dl'ed one of themmm GRREEENNNN !!!!! But not the othrs.. I dl'ed the following programs to transfer movies to VCD format.. could any of these in any way could have effected them when I went to play thme ??? They were fine before..... Anywho these are the programs

    Dixv player 2.0 Alpha
    Nimo Codec Pack 50build8
    VCD Easy
    TMPNGnc TMPGEnc-2.510.49.157-Free
    Virtual Dub 1.5.1
    divx 3.11, 4.12, qand 5
    *I had to dl a ASPI drive....

    I should note that I play my movies with Windows Media Player... if anyone has any idea why they did this, or if this has happened to anyone else, any info would be greatly appriciated... thanks..... ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY !!!! Did soemthing affect the coloration.. all othe 12 are fine..... *Me bangs head on computer desk... WHAT EVIL FORCE IS BEHIND THIS WHAT CAN I DO TO FIX IT, ARE MY MOVIES DEAD NOW !?!

    *I should note that I dl'd 2 of the movies from kazza lite, and 1 from edonkey2000... they were fine and peachy...then I dunno... I re dl'ed one.. allll greeennnn........ AHHHHH !!!!!

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    HELL-you will be too_$oon enough
    what movies are you talking bout
    I had this problem with the usual suspects

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    I had one to do that when I played it with divx player. Its been a while back but if memory serves it played fine in windows media player. Burned it to dvd-r and it turned out ok except that the audio & video are out of sync, which is happening with all of the videos I download and is about to become a topic here.

    To sum it up, I dont think the file is the problem but I have been wrong once before.

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Sounds very much like an XVID problem. This has been covered before, do a search and see if you can find it. I do however think you should ditch the Nimo codec pack and get yourself the k-lite codec pack instead.

  5. Movies & TV   -   #5
    THANKS YA&#39;LL FOR REPLYIN &#33;&#33;&#33; So I am not crazy then...good to know... WHY DID THEY DO THIS &#33;?&#33; The movies are Sewwt home alabama, Spy Kids 2 and tuck Everlating. Maybe I should try try to convert them to vcd anyways..... I HOPE THEY&#39;LL BE OKIES &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; AHHHH &#33;&#33;&#33; LOL< and hopefully they&#39;ll be nsync...heehee. THANKS AGAIN &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; *Why oh why are my movies green oh why oh have they gone....

  6. Movies & TV   -   #6
    THANKS DANNE &#33;&#33;&#33; YUP &#33;&#33;&#33; THEY ARE XVID&#39;S &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Oh and where can I find a k-lite codec pack ?

  7. Movies & TV   -   #7 I just found it...

  8. Movies & TV   -   #8
    DARKSHADOW's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    uninstall that shit codec pack and install this one

    Length:4772352 Bytes,4661KB

    and this xvid codec

    File:XviD Codec for Win32.exe
    Length:319488 Bytes,312KB

    and don,t install the g-400 filter in nimo
    and should be perfect&#33;&#33;

  9. Movies & TV   -   #9
    DARKSHADOW's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Ps &#33;&#33; if i were u i would change a few other things on ur
    list too, have a little seach for

    TMPNGnc TMPGEnc 12a

    Virtual Dub 1.3

    there the best quality version and cause least hassle

  10. Movies & TV   -   #10
    THANKS SOOOO MUCH &#33;&#33;&#33; I WILL MOST DEFINITLY DO THAT &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

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