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Thread: Windows Tips

  1. #41
    skelley521's Avatar puter ghost
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Nothing personal, but alot of information can be lost in translation.
    Best to get it from the horses mouth.......

    dougknox tips

    dougknox fixes




    Just to name a few. There are several more


  2. Software & Hardware   -   #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    fucking smurfland y'idjit
    Originally posted by shn@26 January 2004 - 06:32
    I may use my boxes at home but that does not make me a home user.  I like to be in full control no matter where Im using my pc or what Im using it for.

    And if you dont have a clue about the features of the o.s. your using and what the differences are as opposed to using a system designed for illiterate home users and one designed for professionals like my self then its your own fault.
    You seem to misunderstand; I was bemoanig the times I've seen people proposing Pro to others when Home would be perfectly adequate.

    Xp home sucks.  It was designed for cheap computers thats why its cheaper than xp pro because it "lacks features".  Get it?  the word lacks explains it all.
    WTF are you talking about? It sucks? What you mean is that it doesn't offer you the features that you want, whereas Pro does.
    For a long time M$ have produced two separate OSes for different markets but in recent years they've been working to bring the two together. With XP, they've effectively achieved this, while also managing to cater for both markets; if the majority of home users aren't going to need or use the 'extras' then they can buy the cheaper version.
    Isn't it a laugh that there are so many people also wanting XP-Lite?
    We are living in a world where words like pro and performance seem to influence people into buying a product, just by being tagged onto the name... we've now got a Professional chewing gum here in the UK, for fuxake!

    That means I have features you dont because your either to lazy to download and install a better version for yourself or you just dont have a damn clue.
    You've got the same features as I have, only I don't use them all. XPPro is the best OS for our family because some of the features it has are useful for me.
    Now, about being too lazy to download it... oh never mind, that'd just sound like point-scoring shit and we're not here for that!

    Lol, you cant even encrypt your files unless you do it with some memory hogging third party app.
    We only need the features we'll use, so why does every man-Jack in here suggest going 'ProCorp' when someone asks about XP?
    if your font size is this small i'll add you to my ignore list because you're wasting my time, OK?

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #43
    skelley521's Avatar puter ghost
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Windows XP Comparison Guide

    WinBeta did make an XP Home
    It's on the XP 5in1 CD.

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    thanx 4 help on updates

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