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Thread: One Click Shutdown

  1. #1
    Ricey 420
    You can shut down your computer with one click. Go to your desktop, go to new and then shortcut. Where it asks for the path type in %windir%\System32\SHUTDOWN.exe -s -t 01 . You can even change the icon to the shutdown icon by going to properties and then change icon

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Originally posted by Ricey 420@1 March 2003 - 16:08
    You can shut down your computer with one click.
    wouldn't that be two clicks for most people? :

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    hmmm, I might use that. It takes 3 clicks and a press for me. Click Start, click shutdown, click shut down again and press the power button for the monitor

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    wouldn't that be two clicks for most people?
    not if you've got a 3-buttoned mouse.

    I use my wheel button as 'double-click' - saves wear-and-tear on the mouse and my finger!

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    What !!!! ur kidding me U guys acualy shutdown ur comp and monitor

    my comp is set to turn off monitor after 15 mins of no use and the only time i shut it down is to reboot when i add a updated driver or change a network connet or add software and such cant even remeber the last time i had to reboot for a crash as 98se is so stable now that they finaly got all the bugs out

    it is a lot easer on ur comp if u use it every day to not shut it down ever time u do the component coll off them warm up again then u turn it on
    the cycle of hot cold hot cold is vary bad for ur chips it is much better to just leve it on

    be sides that way u can leve kazaa up and sharing files all the time

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Originally posted by QuietSilence!@ Posted on 1 March 2003 - 23:53
    it is a lot easer on ur comp if u use it every day to not shut it down ever time u do the component coll off them warm up again then u turn it on
    the cycle of hot cold hot cold is vary bad for ur chips it is much better to just leve it on
    So how many processors have you fried so far??? Chips and components are obviously designed to be switched on and off as the majority of people shut down their pc every time its not in use. Besides how long are you planning to keep your current pc? if its less than 10 years or so then you don't really need to worry about shutting it down and doing damage to your chips

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Vinkhuizen, Groningen, Nederland (the Netherlands)
    I also only reboot... i also have 98se, xp users have to turn there comp off indeed.. because else there ram will explode... 98se is stable as hell and doesn't suck to much ram... and about that chip fried stuff... thats real bullshit... ever heard of coolers?? dumbass

    but that shit about its bad for you're chips to turn off and on because of the temperature... well... it's also bullshit....

    -<I&#39;v got my secend star&#33;&#33;&#33;>-

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    Originally posted by Wocus@2 March 2003 - 12:44
    much ram... and about that chip fried stuff... thats real bullshit... ever heard of coolers?? dumbass

    figure of speech you idiot. Dont suppose you are familier with that concept dumbass

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    if your a xp professional, you can just close without going to start and then shutdown.
    Pretty Simple
    Eh? B)

  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    Two presses for me, the power button on my pc (shuts down xp properly) and the power button on my monitor. (actually I should also turn off the speakers, but I always forget that )

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