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Thread: Israeli Ambassador

  1. #11
    Israel oppresses the Palestinians.... if ur not biased(racially ) it is clear
    The people of the world and the U.S. have to stop Israel before they go to far!

    but that doesn't mean that I support the controversial art in sweeden either

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #12
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    So this Jewish artist hates Jews?

    Like saying Martin Luther King hated Black about clutching at straws.

    The "Anti-Semetic" statements that Sharon and co come out with at every opportunity are probably the "Cause" in any anti-semetic feelings on the rise.

    Someone should tell them the story of the boy that cried "wolf"

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #13
    100%'s Avatar ╚════╩═╬════╝
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  4. The Drawing Room   -   #14
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    Originally posted by January 2004 - 20:30
    finally - believe or not, if commit
    suicide, he is dead and is no longer a problem, if he is alive demonstrating ...
    id rather palestinians being alive and demonstrating in a conventional way than going and blowing themselves up and killing innocent civilians....


  5. The Drawing Room   -   #15
    From what's been reported, I can guess that it wasn't only this art piece that threw him off. This exhibit was tied to a conference on genocide. I don't know what art regarding Israel was doing there, but OK... 3 pieces on Israel/Palestine were there and all 3 presented the view from the Palestinian side. (Yes, I think this vandalized piece was pro-Palestinian and the artist is known to be virulently anti-Israel.) It's been reported that there was 1 piece that represented the Israeli view but it was pulled after pressure from Syria. I'm sure that the amabassador knew about this.

    Also keep in mind the huge rise in anti-semitism in Europe over the past few years and the report that linked this rise to growing Muslim youth in Europe.The report was pushed aside last year by the EU.

    Not to mention the hugely popular anti-Israel attitude in Europe. In fact, there was a poll just a few months ago where Europeans named Israel as the planet's greatest threat to world peace. WTF? Can you say brainwashed?

    As far as connecting anti-semitism and anti-Israel, I think that Arafat himself is the sole person responsible here. It was he, who as leader of the PLO, ordered airline hijackings and cruise ship hijacking in which jewish civilians were singled out not because they were Israeli (which they weren't), but because they were Jewish. Why are synagogues around Europe and Australia and Northern Africa being attacked? Why do Muslim extremists blow up Jewish community centres, like in Argentina?

    I'm sorry folks, but likening anti-Israel views to anti-semitism has only popped up because Jews around the world have become the target of those who disagree with Israel.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #16
    Originally posted by putty+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (putty)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Not to mention the hugely popular anti-Israel attitude in Europe. In fact, there was a poll just a few months ago where Europeans named Israel as the planet&#39;s greatest threat to world peace. WTF? Can you say brainwashed? [/b]

    What makes you think you guys arent brainwashed into believing the Palestinians are solely to blame?

    Also, there is no massive increase in anti-semitism, at least not in the UK. I live near Gateshead, one of the biggest Jewish centres in the UK and I can assure you its quite peaceful. I&#39;m sorry to say this but Im getting really sick of hearing this anti-<insert group here> crap all the time. If you criticise the US your anti-American, if you criticise Israel your anti-semitic. Its an insult to the memory of the people murdered in the holocaust to bring up anti-semitism as the trump card everytime someone disagrees with Israeli policy.

    The reason people are against Israel at the moment is because they&#39;re meant to be a civilized nation yet they are acting like terrorists. They kill innocent people every day and call it self defence. If the Palestinian terrorists were pretending to be a civilized nation they&#39;d be joint 1st with Israel in that poll.

    So no... its not anti-semitism, we just disagree with Israeli Gvt policy.


    I&#39;m sorry folks, but likening anti-Israel views to anti-semitism has only popped up because Jews around the world have become the target of those who disagree with Israel.[/quote]

    Thats actually quite offensive. The link between anti-semitism and anti-Israeli views is being pushed hard by Israeli politicians and Jewish lobby groups in America. The article that was originally posted is a perfect example of this &#39;strategy&#39;. The artist in question is Jewish so hes hardly likely to be a raving anti-semite is he? If you listen to the Israeli Gvt he is though.

    If you really want to dig into how the US media works find out who owns the major networks and their religeous affiliation. This isnt anti-semitic either, all races and religeons have a tendency to "look after their own". This might help to explain why everyone I&#39;ve ever talked to from the US seems to think that the Palestinians are solely to blame for the troubles.

    You wont hear many people in the UK attributing blame 100% to either side. Which makes you think.. who are the brainwashed ones?

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #17
    What makes you think you guys arent brainwashed into believing the Palestinians are solely to blame?
    You either misunderstood or are inserting your own prejudices here. I never said that the Palestinians are solely to blame for the current situation.

    Also, there is no massive increase in anti-semitism, at least not in the UK.
    If you say so. It&#39;s too bad that a study released in 2003 by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) said just the opposite. It points to an increase in anti-semitic attacks and specifically found a turning point of October 2000. Coincidently, that was the start of the latest intifadah.

    In your UK, they reported 22 synagogue attacks in the 22 months prior to Oct 2000 and 78 such attacks in the 22 months after Oct 2000. But hey, if you say that there is no increase I&#39;ll take your word for it. The data shows that an increasing number of anti-semitic attacks are being purpetrated by Muslim youth and other supporters of the Palestinians including the Left wing ant-globalization crowd. The report concluded that the line of anti-Israel criticism and anti-semitism has been crossed and cited many instances of using old anti-semitic stereotypes as part of criticism of Israel. It also cited the fact that swastikas are commonly seen at anti-Israel rallies. Not to mention the fact that the fabricated Protocols of the Elders of Zion was widely seen at the Durban Conference on racism in South Africa that became an anti-Israel conference for all intents & purposes.

    After the EUMC commissioned this report, they decided not to publish it, objecting to the way it was conducted. One of the German members of the EUMC called the non-release of this report "appalling". Berlin&#39;s Technical University, which conducted the study for EUMC said that the EUMC signed off on the design and parameters of it and only objected when they saw the results. Since 9/11, the EUMC has published 3 anti-Islamicism studies and have yet to publish and anti-semitism one despite the glaring rise.

    The artist in question is Jewish so hes hardly likley to be a raving anti-semite is he? If you listen to the Israeli Gvt he is though.
    Again, I think that you&#39;ve misunderstood. The question is why was Israel a topic at an exhibit related to a conference on genocide. Why were the three pieces related to Israel showing things from the Palestinian view? Why the lone opposing piece objected to by Syria and so, was not displayed?

    I found it very amusing that the Swedish representatives went on about how there is no excuse for violence. You can disagree and vent your disatisfaction but there is no need to ruin the display. This is all about a display that itself tries to explain how semingly normal people get pushed to violence&#33; Nice double-standard.

    This is a microcosm of the greater view that Israel is being singled out. Why were there no exhibits displaying the beauty of Chechen suicide bombers? Iraqi suicide bombers? 9/11 suicide bombers? Why are there no sweeping street protests complaining about the occupation of Kurdish land? Why no protests about Syria (a supporter of the terrorist Hezbollah group) that is occupying Lebanon?

    Do you think that Israel is the greatest threat to world peace? Most of your fellow Eurpeans do. Even the results of that portion of the poll were called "unstable" and the held back by the EU as they released the results of portions of the same poll related to Iraq. It&#39;s laughable.

    European leaders and the press have crossed the line so many times that they&#39;ve convinced their populations that Israel is (to quote the French amabassador to the UK), "a shitty little country".

    If you really want to dig into how the US media works find out who owns the major networks and their religeous affiliation.

    According to the EUMC report&#39;s definition of anti-semiticism, the 1st form is "...the assumption that Jews are in control of what happens in the world, whether it be through financial or media power, whether it be the concealed political influence mainly exerted on the USA..."


    Now, if you want to learn something about truth... GE (NBC) is the biggest media company and is publicly owned. Time Warner (CNN) is also public. So Sony, Disney(ABC), Viacom (CBS), MGM, Clear Channel and most other media giants. One that is privately owned is Fox, owned by Rupert Murdoch who is not a Jew.

    You can take that to whoever misinformed you.

    You wont hear many people in the UK attributing blame 100% to either side. Which makes you think.. who are the brainwashed ones
    And in spite of serious disagreements among Jews & Muslims relating to the current conflict, have you ever thought about why there are no Jews attacking Muslims in Argentina, Turkey, France, UK and elsewhere? Why do Jews & Muslims living within Israel get along quite well, although there are obviously trying moments.

    Why do you not find Israeli newspapers publishing reports about how Muslims use Jewish childrens&#39; blood in cooking the Eid feast? FYI, this is what the Saudi official govt. newspaper published around 2 years ago in regards to the holiday of Purim and the Jewish use of blood from Muslim children to bake cookies. It gave a detailed description ofhow this is done. Egyptian govt TV last year showed a miniseries re-enacting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    I&#39;m sorry but it does seem that your anti-Israel stance has been hijacked by those who use it as a thinly veiled disguise for anti-semitism. Just like Islam as a religion has been hijacked by those using as an excuse for their violence.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #18
    Originally posted by putty@24 January 2004 - 07:02
    It&#39;s been reported that there was 1 piece that represented the Israeli view but it was pulled after pressure from Syria.
    Where did you hear that, in fox news?

    there will be an Israeli artist displaying he&#39;s work but he got delayed, for he&#39;s own reasons.
    And on a side note the Israeli artist thought that it was crazy starting all this beef over a piece of art that could be interpreted in Manny different ways

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #19
    Originally posted by putty
    According to the EUMC report&#39;s definition of anti-semiticism, the 1st form is "...the assumption that Jews are in control of what happens in the world, whether it be through financial or media power, whether it be the concealed political influence mainly exerted on the USA..."


    Now, if you want to learn something about truth... GE (NBC) is the biggest media company and is publicly owned. Time Warner (CNN) is also public. So Sony, Disney(ABC), Viacom (CBS), MGM, Clear Channel and most other media giants. One that is privately owned is Fox, owned by Rupert Murdoch who is not a Jew.
    According to the law of the Talmud and the present laws of Israel, Rupert Murdoch is a Jew. His father married Elisabeth Joy Greene who is from a wealthy Jewish family.

    As for those other companies, just because they are "publicly owned" means nothing. Shareholders do not get to make decisions about the political stance an organisation will take. As long as the profits keep flowing in they are happy bunnies.

    Is it anti-semitic to point out that huge swathes of the media are owned by Jew&#39;s and thus put forward a pro-Israel stance? If it is then that means you&#39;re anti-muslim for pointing out the anti-Israel stance that the Saudi media takes.

    Now.. this huge rise in anti-semitism in the UK.. who am I to say anything? I only live 10 miles from the biggest Jewish centre in the UK so what do I know&#33;

    It may be different in France and other countries with large populations of muslim youth but I can only speak from local knowledge of the UK.

    Now.. the reason you are not seeing "exhibits displaying the beauty of Chechen suicide bombers? Iraqi suicide bombers? 9/11 suicide bombers?" etc is because they are TERRORISTS not civilized governments. There is nothing noteworthy in a snake biting you, its a god damn snake what do you expect? If a person bites you its a different matter and will obviously attract more attention.

    The fact is that in Europe we have a far more balanced view of the middle east situation compared to the USA, and because we are not fanatically pro-Israel like much of the US seems to be, the pro-Israel lobby is trying to put it down to nothing but anti-semitism.

    I am not saying that anti-semitism doesnt exist, I&#39;m just vehemently opposed to this ludicrous notion put forward by pro-Jewish groups that the only reason Europe disagrees with Israeli foreign policy is because we&#39;re all a bunch of Jew haters. I find that extremely offensive.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #20
    Originally posted by leftism@24 January 2004 - 23:44
    The fact is that in Europe we have a far more balanced view of the middle east situation compared to the USA, and because we are not fanatically pro-Israel like much of the US seems to be, the pro-Israel lobby is trying to put it down to nothing but anti-semitism.

    I am not saying that anti-semitism doesnt exist, I&#39;m just vehemently opposed to this ludicrous notion put forward by pro-Jewish groups that the only reason Europe disagrees with Israeli foreign policy is because we&#39;re all a bunch of Jew haters. I find that extremely offensive.
    I find it extremely offensive to be called "fanatically pro-Israel".

    Do you mean that your "policies" toward Israel are more "balanced" than the "US" or that your citizens because, of your unique unbiased BBC (which we have absolutely no access to), have a more accurate picture of what is going in Israel? Your use of the phrase "much of the US" suggests to me that you are talking about the people, not our policies. I could be wrong.

    As I have said many times, the average American does not even know where Israel is and certainly couldn&#39;t give a shit. Certainly most Americans can see the "protective wall"(Which, of course, we don&#39;t know about) being built is a covert way of driving Palestineans from their land.

    We probably have as many Jews here as there are in Israel itself. These people are certainly active and influental in promoting pro-Israeli policies, but to characterize most of America as being "fanatically pro-Israeli" is ludicrous.

    It is amazing how the use of emotive language totally undermines any credibility the author might have. Typical of EBP.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

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