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Thread: Israeli Ambassador

  1. #31
    lynx's Avatar .
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    You might have been interested to see a news report on UK television last week. It showed Palestinian kids (about 7 or 8 years old) throwing stones and rubbish at an Israeli tank. The tank opened fire with it's machine gun. Such a well balanced response from those nice Israeli soldiers, their ears must have been ringing from the clatter of stones.
    Political correctness is based on the principle that it's possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #32
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Originally posted by putty@29 January 2004 - 17:23

    I already knew that his mother was Greene. That wasn't the question here. You were supposed to provide a link attesting to their Jewishness.

    Man of the Year

    The "Man-of-the Year" award was conferred upon Murdoch for his dedication to the communications industry, the Jewish community and the State of Israel.
    Robert Maxwell is a past example of how the Israeli government echelon fosters the link with Jewish tycoons. And Benjamin Netanyahu was happy to take part in the event via satellite and to embrace Murdoch verbally with Prime Ministerial warmth.
    "I am proud to accept this award", said Murdoch. "The Jewish national goal has always been important to me, to my family and to my company"

    The thing is...being Jewish/Islamic/Christian etc has sod all to do with running a company, nor indeed is it anyones business.

    The only websites that would actually look into this type of thing are those with their own agendas. This doesnt mean that those websites are lying, just that you must bear their agenda in mind when you read them.

    Although i am not going to go looking all over the net for public domain Rupert Murdoch has links with Israel... here is a business site (not a political site) based in Israel.

    Maybe you'll believe their own words?

    Its a lot easier showing evidence that he's a lying, treacherous bastard (ir-respective of his social/religious/business beliefs).....i'll let you look up those examples yourself?

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #33
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by lynx@29 January 2004 - 19:09
    You might have been interested to see a news report on UK television last week. It showed Palestinian kids (about 7 or 8 years old) throwing stones and rubbish at an Israeli tank. The tank opened fire with it's machine gun. Such a well balanced response from those nice Israeli soldiers, their ears must have been ringing from the clatter of stones.
    THIS is why Israel is getting such a bad press in Europe.

    Hardly mentioned on Sky, or in the News Corp owned media.....however the suicide bombing this morning is all over the place.

    Shooting kids from a Tank mustnt be as bad.....

    In my opinion, they are both nasty.

    Israeli's did theirs safely from behind armour though, while the Palestinian had nothing left to lose maybe?

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #34
    The World: Hey Israel, you shouldn't beat up the Palestinians.


    I think we all know that Jews do NOT have a secret plan control the world, AND that people don't hate Israel for their religion - only their appaling record on human rights.

    If anyone from the Israeli government is reading this: Sort your problems with the Palestinians out in a civilized way and the world will stop criticizing you. Take the $3 billion you get from the US every year and buy back some land from the "settlers". Then just give it to the Palestinians. $3 billion a year on weapons hasn't worked so far, why not try $3 billion on buying them out?

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #35
    Originally posted by Rat Faced@29 January 2004 - 20:42

    Man of the Year

    The "Man-of-the Year" award was conferred upon Murdoch for his dedication to the communications industry, the Jewish community and the State of Israel.
    Robert Maxwell is a past example of how the Israeli government echelon fosters the link with Jewish tycoons. And Benjamin Netanyahu was happy to take part in the event via satellite and to embrace Murdoch verbally with Prime Ministerial warmth.
    "I am proud to accept this award", said Murdoch. "The Jewish national goal has always been important to me, to my family and to my company"

    The thing is...being Jewish/Islamic/Christian etc has sod all to do with running a company, nor indeed is it anyones business.

    The only websites that would actually look into this type of thing are those with their own agendas. This doesnt mean that those websites are lying, just that you must bear their agenda in mind when you read them.

    Although i am not going to go looking all over the net for public domain Rupert Murdoch has links with Israel... here is a business site (not a political site) based in Israel.

    Maybe you'll believe their own words?

    Its a lot easier showing evidence that he's a lying, treacherous bastard (ir-respective of his social/religious/business beliefs).....i'll let you look up those examples yourself?
    To be truthful, that link does not assert that Murdoch himself is Jewish. He has ties to Israel, yes. He has ties to Jews, yes. He is a Zionist, yes. He is right-wing, yes. He even strongly supports the Likud version of things, yes. Doesn't mean he's Jewish.

    How's this:

    The Age, Melbourne's largest newspaper had this review of an Australian Broadcasting Corp TV speaial, called "The Murdochs".

    When asked what makes Murdoch tick, Tim Clark the series producer & director said: "``The conservative, dour, hardworking Presbyterian with a dash of flamboyant gambler thrown in."

    And this:

    Although Murdoch was raised as a Presbyterian, his wife and children are Catholic and the couple was recently awarded a papal award for philanthropy.

    And this, in Yahoo!'s 2002 Year in Review:

    "I believe in the spirituality of human beings," he says. "I believe in a god. I am not a strictly religious. I was brought up as a Protestant for Wendi] which gave me a great insight into the real strength of the Catholic church."

    He says he is considering converting to the Catholic church. Born into a Presbyterian family and educated at an Anglican school, Mr Murdoch says he now regularly attends a Catholic church on Sundays when he is in New York. He and Wendi have agreed that their child Grace will be baptised a Catholic.

    Here's something I found on some racist website that would LOVE to hear that a big media company is Jewish-owned:
    Zionist WarMonger Seizes Control Of Britain's Sky Network
    James Murdoch, Son Of Rupert Murdoch, Appointed CEO

    London, England -- James Murdoch, son of philo-Semite and Jewish wanna-be Rupert Murdoch, has seized control of Britain Sky Television after his father purchased a 38% ownership of the business.

    There's also this Australian Broadcasting Copr (ABC) site that says that Rupert is a "Knight of St Gregory the Great, thanks to the Catholic Church"

    And this:

    Bucking the current trend in the British Press, The Times has recently been accused of pro-Israeli bias. Former Middle East correspondent Sam Kiley alleged the paper’s policy was dictated by owner Rupert Murdoch and his friendship with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

    And this from a self-proclaimed anti-Jew website:

    Rupert Murdoch is not a Jew. Some of the literate Anti-Racist Agitators put down their spleefs and start typing that very statement anytime that Jewish control of the media is brought up.


    Now, please. Enough. Go tell your racist buddies who pass this along the real truth.

    The original poster tried to show that Jews own most of the US major media networks. He was proven wrong.

    He said that there is no rise in anti-semitism in the UK. He was proven wrong.

    You both tried to show that Rupert Murdoch is Jewish. Leftism quoted his 'proof' directly from anti-semitic websites. Still, proven wrong.

    Anything else?

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #36
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Aug 2002
    I did not claim he was Jewish.

    In fact i stated i had no idea if he was, but that he had a close friendship with Sharon, and showed evidence that he was very Pro-Israel, to the extent of a former Israeli Prime Minister called him a "Jewish Tycoon"...which is why i posted this. Thought it might show one way or the other, obviously not..not that it matters

    I also stated he was a bastard and that was very easy to look up. This is what matters

    As to the rise in Anti-Semiticism in the UK, i havent commented upon it.

    I live about 3 miles away from the Jewish Community in Gateshead, and work there quite often, I have not perceived any rise in anti-jewish sentiment...however I am not in the police or any other organisation that may know better.

    In the last 3 years however in Newcastle/Gateshead; 2 Mosques have been attacked and burnt to the ground, and a couple of churches have been vandalised, no synagogues have that im aware of. There are racially motivated attacks in the area..invariably either against Asians by the White thugs or against Whites by the Asian thugs.

    Notice i say thugs for both general both the White community and Asian community get on with life, as do the Jewish

    However what trouble there is almost always between White/Asian youths, not White/Jewish or even Asian/Jewish.

    I have persistantly said i do not believe in any "Jewish Conspiracy".

    I have also said that I can see how it is perceived that the Jewish Community control the media. That "Murdoch is a Jew" propaganda is all over the place, as i said...I also stated that it must be read in the context of the predominantly anti-Israel or anti-Murdoch (socialist) Websites. It does not therefore surprise me in the slightest that people believe generally that Murdoch is Jewish.

    I also said i dont care if hes Jewish, it has nothing to do with how good he is at his job...which is supposedly letting people know what is happening in the world in a balanced and unbiased manner.

    He fails in that totally, as does every News Corp owned media it has been my misfortune to the Journalists own words when they leave: The editors censor the Middle East News so that it is all Pro-Israel in these organisations, out of fear of i said, he is a backstabbing bastard and they are right to fear him.

    I believe a few months ago there was a thread asking if the US press was biased. I said then that Journalists often are not, however editors toe the line for the owners if they wanted to stay. This is exactly how News Corp operate.

    The other News Organisations mentioned before in the Thread were:

    AOL Time Warner: CEO is a well liked Black American with a penchant for history. I cannot find a bad word said about him apart from our own dislike for the company due to its affiliations.

    Walt Disney: with its Jewish CEO. I have no idea of his political affiliations, his social beliefs or whether he is a practising Jew. Quite frankly i dont care, it has nothing to do with how he does his Job. As im not American i have no idea as to the slant of the News companies that Walt Disney own.

    However, between them News Corp and Disney own and control most US News Media, i can see how it is perceived to be run by the "Jewish Conspiracy", which does not exist.

    Untill you educate the rednecks that "Jew" does not mean they are trying to take over the world, this conspiracy theory will continue to crop up.

    However it does mean that, at least from the News Corps Companies (as i said i do not know the political slant of the Disney Companies or even if the guy gets involved like Murdoch does), you get a very biased news service in the USA.

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #37
    By posting the link to the site on Murdoch, I asumed that you were submitting this as evidence of his Jewishness. If I misunderstood, I apologize.

    The other stuff I mentioned were directed toward Leftism. He's the one who began it all anyways. Now, really please tell me something. You seem intelligent and possibly well-read. If not due anti-semitism, why in the world do so many people eat up crap like Jews ownng the media and as part of this proof the idea that Rupert Murdoch tries to hide his Jewishness. All it takes is a simple Google search to find out the truth... it really didn't take me long.

    They are so willing to believe that it is the US that is blatantly biased while Lefty/Socialist/anti-globallization/whatever websites are the only ones who can see through the bias. How does it not smack them in the head to research the info themselves? Once they find that these alternative websites LIE for their cause, how do they continue to believe the other crap?

    Friggin lazy ass brains. The Left these days is tired of doing their own thinking. Anything that goes against the US or big corp is good regardless of the truth. They trully make me sick.

    And you know why? Because I sway much farther to the Left than the Right on 95% of issues and I hate getting lumped together with this assholes. I'm even toward the Left when it comes to Israel. But these people don't get it. Unless you say that Israel is apartheid South Africa and Sharon is Hitler, then you're a right-wing zealot in their view.

    I don't watch/read News Corp. I despise Fox News. They're tiresome and very biased. But I think it's time to come clean and admit that the Left is really just as biased and racist. Just diametric opposites.

    I doubt we'll hear from Leftism again in this thread.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Unless you say that Israel is apartheid South Africa
    It is, 93% of the land is barred to non Jews. When a court challenged this, the govt brought forward new legistlation to further entrench it. You have not disproved this, as you cannot. It is a matter of public record.

    Shall I bring up other instances of Isreali apartheid? It is apparent in all forms of daily life.

    Sharon is Hitler
    Sharon isn't in the same league as Hitler, but that doesn't mean he isn't a racist xenophobe who was found guilty (by Isreal) of complicity in the deaths of 1000's of civilians.

    On the topic of Jewish control of the media in the US, it is easy to make a case for but impossible to prove. The real problem is in allowing money to dictate political influence - whether that is the christian right or zionists.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #39
    Originally posted by putty@31 January 2004 - 00:03
    By posting the link to the site on Murdoch, I asumed that you were submitting this as evidence of his Jewishness. If I misunderstood, I apologize.

    The other stuff I mentioned were directed toward Leftism. He's the one who began it all anyways. Now, really please tell me something. You seem intelligent and possibly well-read. If not due anti-semitism, why in the world do so many people eat up crap like Jews ownng the media and as part of this proof the idea that Rupert Murdoch tries to hide his Jewishness. All it takes is a simple Google search to find out the truth... it really didn't take me long.

    They are so willing to believe that it is the US that is blatantly biased while Lefty/Socialist/anti-globallization/whatever websites are the only ones who can see through the bias. How does it not smack them in the head to research the info themselves? Once they find that these alternative websites LIE for their cause, how do they continue to believe the other crap?

    Friggin lazy ass brains. The Left these days is tired of doing their own thinking. Anything that goes against the US or big corp is good regardless of the truth. They trully make me sick.

    And you know why? Because I sway much farther to the Left than the Right on 95% of issues and I hate getting lumped together with this assholes. I'm even toward the Left when it comes to Israel. But these people don't get it. Unless you say that Israel is apartheid South Africa and Sharon is Hitler, then you're a right-wing zealot in their view.

    I don't watch/read News Corp. I despise Fox News. They're tiresome and very biased. But I think it's time to come clean and admit that the Left is really just as biased and racist. Just diametric opposites.

    I doubt we'll hear from Leftism again in this thread.

    Wow, nicely put. Echoes my frustrations to a tee.

    How come everyone else gets all the real news and I am a brainwashed puppet?
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #40
    You have not disproved this, as you cannot. It is a matter of public record.
    What you're referring to is the bill proposal to allow communities in certain locations to decide if they want to be Jewish only. The bill was brought up in response to past decisions that allowed Druse and Bedouin Arabs to restrict their communities to their own kind.

    The bill within cabinet passed the first time but was overturned by a new vote with the same cabinet after a furor erupted within Israel. Israel's own Attorney General refused to go along with it. It was not close to law. If passed by cabinet, it needed to go to Knesset and pass there 3 times to become law. The cabinet changed their vote on July 15 2002. You now have enough facts to do the research on your own and possibly learn something.

    Israeli High Court Ruling on the Katzir case (that liars use to associate Israel with apartheid).

    A. "We hold that the State of Israel was not permitted, by law, to allocate State land to the Jewish Agency for the purpose of establishing the communal settlement of Katzir on the basis of discrimination between Jews and non-Jews.

    On the topic of Jewish control of the media in the US, it is easy to make a case for
    So why can't you do it?

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