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Thread: Users Not Sharing!

  1. #1
    I've noticed a lot of people downloading from me with a participation level of 0. Would I be within my rights to cancel downloads from these people as, in my opinion, they are contradicting the whole file sharing purpose.

    I only have 128-bit broadband at the moment but I never mind sharing at least half my bandwidth for uploads, unless I really need something important and quick (e.g. a piece of software i might need for uni) but when i see people leeching like this it does make me angry.

    What's your opinion ppl, and is there a way to block such transfers?


  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    scribblec's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    get kazap
    to cancel users with 0 pl
    they mite be using old version

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Don't do a thing! Don't worry! Forget about it! A reason they have 0 pl could be that they have a different version of Kazaa than you (which is high) or that they download more than they upload. The PL system of Kazaa sucks so just don't worry about it.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    I say you shouldn't try too hard to block leechers. You'll be stressed out trying to, but you could always do it once in awhile for fun. Kazap in k++ does not have cancel on pl since people can abuse it, leechers. If you want, go to kazap main page and download the full one.

    i'm getting slow again...

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Well how about this, one guy who is currently dowloading dog soldiers from me, has a participation level of 0 and is sharing the sum total of 4 files - Run Lola Run (movie), Global Operations (game), DivX Codec bunde and a windows media component setup application (whatever that is).

    Is this a leecher or is this a leecher??

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Not a leecher as long as he has people in his upload slots and that you can't be sure of. But then, he could be a new user and could be using a different version which makes it seem as if his PL is 0.

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    Originally posted by larsson is god@2 March 2003 - 02:15
    Well how about this, one guy who is currently dowloading dog soldiers from me, has a participation level of 0 and is sharing the sum total of 4 files - Run Lola Run (movie), Global Operations (game), DivX Codec bunde and a windows media component setup application (whatever that is).

    Is this a leecher or is this a leecher??
    He probably uses older version of KaZaA (Lite). He isn't a leecher.
    P.S. Shinigami actually first answered your question.

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    Originally posted by Dieselpower+1 March 2003 - 16:28--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Dieselpower @ 1 March 2003 - 16:28)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--larsson is god@2 March 2003 - 02:15
    Well how about this, one guy who is currently dowloading dog soldiers from me, has a participation level of 0 and is sharing the sum total of 4 files - Run Lola Run (movie), Global Operations (game), DivX Codec bunde and a windows media component setup application (whatever that is).

    Is this a leecher or is this a leecher??
    He probably uses older version of KaZaA (Lite). He isn&#39;t a leech. [/b][/quote]
    ::cough cough (said that) cough cough::


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