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Thread: Goin" Virtual Drives Tipz

  1. #1
    Wolfmight's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Q: What you talkin about?
    A: I'm talking about having sperate hardrives basicly and keep your files secure.

    Q: Why do I need?
    A: Well, incase you got a bad virus, or windows wont ever boot again, you can have easy backup of files.

    Q: Now, how do I do this?
    A: Partition Magic 8.0, download it off kazaa, the program is pretty user friendly. all you do is set your hardrive to have another partion drive (windows thinks is another actual hd). Then ya put your files in that drive u want to backup. *carefull* only make the partition size something that wont take up your C drive to much. Like if you have a 30gb hd, make it about 5gb. Now when all finished and setup...backup your files you want to keep safe incase unstable dies on ya. When you format it in dos, you just chose to format C: drive.. then you have back up files safe guarded!!

    Now, for you gamers.
    If you ever downloaded a game like Gta3 or something..u gatta have that 2nd cd.
    well, you can run it off your hd instead!
    The program is called Virtual CD 7.
    Download it, install, and your set.. the program is very user friend. The game must be in .ISO format or CD...then the program converts it to .VCD... all you do is double click that vcd game in the program and it virually places it into the virtual cd drive. hehe.. now ya got 200x game speeds.. no more 12x or whatever crap.


  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    fLoPpY's Avatar Poster
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    Nov 2002
    pertaining to the virtual cd drive wotsits -
    Daemon Tools does exactly the same thing and i think it is better cos u can load up to about 6 extra "virtual DVD drives". then u can have 6 different cd's loaded on ur pc at once running at a read speed as fast as ur hdd can handle! its free too - so try today and dont buy! support em tho if u gotta de moneh!

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Wolfmight's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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  4. File Sharing   -   #4
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    daemon tools OWN you... they can be in anyformat... and with a little addon caiied daemount, you have a option to mount images and stuff... EVERY image type is supported with daemon

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    I got that virtual Cd 7 on Twilight 79, I installed it and it works GREAT!!! thanks for the tip. In the futur I'll look better whicht apps are on the twilight :0


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