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Thread: Security For My Computer

  1. #1
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
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    the other day i found a trojen horse on my computer so ive decided that my security on my computer is not as good as i thought soooooo

    at the mo all i have is norten antivirus 2003 and norten internet security

    can someone suggest a setup that is high security so i dont get attaked and i cant be scanned or get viruses etc????

    im not up to scratch on security programs and things so any help would be greatly recieved by me thanks brockster

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    I have Norton like you. I'd like to ask you how you discovered your Trojan?
    You are making me worried...

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
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    well i opened up the runnin task bar to close a program and a thing flashed init for a second and went away i manage to locate the file and found out it was a trojen horse it must have been in my comp for weeks so i now want good security

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    Brockster, if you want good seurity then get yourself a copy of blackice, its the best firewall out there, the trouble is its far to good at its job, and if you like me and just want to install and run the program (like norton internet security) then this might not be a good proggy to have.

    I had it for 10 minutes but it took to much effort to set up, so i got rid so i havnt got the hash for it but im sure if you do a search it will be out there somewhere.

    Also i already gave you the best trojan remover out there, Norton isnt very good at spotting trojans but if you scan files you download with this program if it has got one it will find it.

    File:Trojan Remover v4.6.6 + keygen (by Sajjid).exe
    Length:2043904 Bytes,1996KB

    if you download this program remember to update it regularly, also it hasnt got a real time scan so make sure you do a normal scan at least once a week, and i would reccomend a full hard drive scan at least once a month.

    Hope this helps.


  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
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    yeah i would just make sure norton is updating itself regularly and run that trojan scanner once and a while.
    make sure you are not allowing programs access to the net unless they need it.

    ms word does not need it so don't allow it to connect.

    that is about as secure as you want to be really you can't be any more secure without being classed as paranoid. and it is not worth the effort really.

    edit : tyo

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    your best security is common sense. Don't open anything that you don't know what it is. Stick to verifieds for movies and games.

    Next best is norton in my opinion. i usually don't leave my norton on full time, but scan it once a month for viruses that may have slipped by. I also do a scan if i notice something fishy going on. Like a window moving

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    Originally posted by sleepnmojo@2 March 2003 - 23:25

    Next best is norton in my opinion. i usually don't leave my norton on full time, but scan it once a month for viruses that may have slipped by. I also do a scan if i notice something fishy going on. Like a window moving
    To me this is just silly, and detrimental to the P2P community, not having your virus scanner running real time in the background.

    Ok if i was a computer geek and thought whats a good way to catch ppl out with a virus, i would get a file that has been verified as good, take something out thats the same size as the virus, stick the virus in there and see if the hash matches. dont know if it will or not but if it did Bingo!!!, all these ppl who are downloading this verified file have just got hold of my killer virus.

    Also if you do download a suspect file without real time virus scanning on your hdd, even if you just keep it on for an hour or 2 before checking, then everyone that gets that file of you will also get the same virus and if they dont have a virus scanner they in turn spread it, this way viruses are allowed to spread through the kazaa network, thats why now i very rarely use it for downloading anything i just put it on to share my stuff that i get from other sources.

    Also the handy virus attaches itself to all your exe files in your shared folder so not only do you have 1 file that has a virus but all the .exes that you probably got off verifieds now have this virus so your spreading this without even realising it, until a month later when you do a virus scan and notice all them viruses in your shared folder, well sorry you have already spread them to all the ppls shared folder`s already.

    ok thats my gripe, if nyone thinks differently or even agrees with me (which will be a first ) then please post.

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
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    so i just stick wiv mine but it cant b that good if i got a trojen

  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
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    do i not need anythin else apart from norten and trojen scanner which i use every week?????

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10
    brotherdoobie's Avatar Long live Hissyfit BT Rep: +1
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    If you want to be secure use WormGuard,TDS-3,and Port Explorer by DiamondCS,you can find them for trial downloads on security site.

    This is an excellent site for security it has FAQ's,forums and reviews of security issues and programs.
    There are other programs that are very good also on this site.
    but I use these three plus Zone Alarm and Norton Anti-virus(back-up to catch anything that Worm-Guard misses.......never has missed&#33

    So read all the FAQ's and see what is right for you

    Peace brotherdoobie

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