I just got K19 the other day and when i tried to play it with radlight, the video is alright, very good quality actually...except...there's NO SOUND!!!
what could be wrong? sorry, but i never had this problem before with my other movies....it couldn't be a codec problem, could it? because the video is fine, it's onyl missing the sound...
can anyone help please?
03-03-2003, 09:38 AM
Movies & TV -
It sounds like your missing an audio codec,thats why your only getting picture.Go to developments and get yourself a copy of klite codec pack,this has most of the common codecs and hopefully should have the one your missing.good luck
03-08-2003, 08:13 AM
Movies & TV -
Fasttracker A
i have a problem ive installed k lite codecs pac i can get the sound to work for all my movies but die another day james bond,and the rules of attraction.
Ive tried divx and widows media player9 ...nothing!
But i noticed in media player the title of the movie is normally orange but now its white like the others .
Which must mean i have the audio codec but its not running properly?
any suggestions.......?
03-08-2003, 02:46 PM
Movies & TV -
You will need the AC3 codec which is included in K Lite Codec Pack. Get it here:
k Lite Codec Pack 1.6
03-09-2003, 05:12 AM
Movies & TV -
Fasttracker A
That still dosent work .I had nimo pac before nothing,uninstalled it for k lite
still nada
ive tried re installing it nothin .i couldnt get tuxedo w/jakkie chan to work before but it works now.
just friday after next ,the rules of attraction,and die another day.
I can barley hear the audio only if i crank up the volume
do i have to convert the file or adjust the ac3 converter?
normally i can figure this out im just stumped .................
please any info would be appreciated.
03-09-2003, 05:18 AM
Movies & TV -
Try using Gspot and see which audio codecs you need. It's located in the download page at the main page: http://doa2.host.sk
And go here if you can't find the codec yuor looking for:
03-09-2003, 10:28 AM
Movies & TV -
Fasttracker A
Hey thanx,
But that didnt work either ,i used g spot and then installed the proper codec.
restarted and used g spot just to make sure that was all i needed ,g spot then reported that all the proper codecs were installedand running correctly.
so i go to play the movie and still the sound is hardly even working
what the hell is wrong ?
ive tried so many codec paks and all they do is make the screen green
w/no sound ? so i reverted back to k lite codec pak
this dosent make any sense.
ANY sugestions would help out so dont be shy ill try anything at this point.........
03-09-2003, 10:35 AM
Movies & TV -
Forum Star
There is a difference between the sound not working and the soundvolume being very low.
The AC3 codec of my codec pack has a nice feature: you can make the sound louder.
Just go to AC3 configuration and set Gains to +10dB
03-09-2003, 11:52 AM
Movies & TV -
Fasttracker A
The gain lever cant be moved in the main tab or the mixer tab?
do i have to enable it to adjust it?
and if so ,how?
i may be a noobie here but that dosent mean im new at this
somethin is serously screwed but i cant put my finger on it
any help or suggestions appreciated
03-09-2003, 12:49 PM
Movies & TV -
Fasttracker A
must get movie to work even if it takes all morning
(is allready taken all night)
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