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Thread: Hard Drive Space

  1. #1
    i'm running windows xp pro on an acer laptop with a 20gb hard drive currently its 55% full and running slow, i've got the most upto date version of system mechanic and cleaned up with it, i've also defraged the hd, i scanned for duplicated program with system mechanic, but i was affraid if i deleted the duplicated files i would cause myself more problems.

    is there a program i can use to remove unused programs on the hard drive?


  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
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    Nov 2002
    Do u have & run & update these important maintenance programs: Ad-aware 6, Spybot Search & Destroy, jv16 PowerTools, NAV, NIS ? Is XP updated? I could go on but u get the point.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    update frequently have and use adware6

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Geordie Land
    Check to see if you have DMS enabled. This is in "Control Panel/System/Device Manager/Disk Drives/Settings". If your drive does'nt support DMS, which i'm sure it will, then your drive will always be slow.

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
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    Jan 2003
    Check to see if you have DMS enabled. This is in "Control Panel/System/Device Manager/Disk Drives/Settings". If your drive does'nt support DMS, which i'm sure it will, then your drive will always be slow.
    it's dma (direct motherboard acess) i think

    sometimes it is not the apps you have installed that takes up all your hdd space. it's the media files you have. movies and albums take up quite a bit of room.

    chances are if you have a looked in add/remove and clear out all the apps you do not use and use system mechanic that you have cleared it as much as you can.

    I would also turn off the go back feature in xp since it uses about 3 gigs of space on my pc.

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    If its not any of the above problems, I think its you simply have to many applications running. Norton runs in the background and hogs resources. Whats your system specs?

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Geordie Land
    Originally posted by 4play@3 March 2003 - 18:14
    Check to see if you have DMS enabled. This is in "Control Panel/System/Device Manager/Disk Drives/Settings". If your drive does'nt support DMS, which i'm sure it will, then your drive will always be slow.
    it's dma (direct motherboard acess) i think

    sometimes it is not the apps you have installed that takes up all your hdd space. it's the media files you have. movies and albums take up quite a bit of room.

    chances are if you have a looked in add/remove and clear out all the apps you do not use and use system mechanic that you have cleared it as much as you can.

    I would also turn off the go back feature in xp since it uses about 3 gigs of space on my pc.
    Yeah, sorry, my mistake, DMA is "Direct Memory Access". DMS is a disk cruncher on the Amiga.

    Let us know if we were reet Lawrence8


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