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Thread: Installing Cnc Generals Via Virtual Drives

  1. #1
    I've tried to install deviance cnc generals using the virtual drive in both daemon tools and cdrwin 5.0, but it doesn't start again after loading disc 2 into the virtual drive.

    I tried to burn one of the cd2s if dl, but a got error messages, even after fixing it with cd mage...... So this time I thought I would try using virtual drives instead of wasting cds, but that didn't work either, anybody got suggestions???

  2. Games   -   #2
    CornerPocket's Avatar Retired
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    aTx, USA
    It's a common issue. What errors do you get during installation? CDmage didnt work for me either, so I reverted to dl'ing CD1 again as it seems that my where my error issue stems from.
    "8-ball Corner Pocket"

  3. Games   -   #3
    I get dozens of error messages in on cd2. My cd1 works, I just dl cd2 today, and I wanted to test it with a virtual drive before burning it, but it won't work, tried about 100 times...

  4. Games   -   #4
    Guys i tryed to use Clone Cd 4.2 it have virtua drive in it it works besides damon & fantom cd is sucks try it good luck

  5. Games   -   #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Dallass, Texass
    I just have one question...

    Why use a virtual drive or anything like that at all??

    What's the problem, do you not have enough HD space to extract the ISO with??

    Best method I have found is to use WinISO to extract the ISO to a file named after the ISO name...not lash or deviance or BF1942_1....(that was the cd label for disk 1 of Battlefield 1942) then after I have extracted all cds I just run the installer....sometimes you have to move the folders around or drop all files from disk 2 into disk 1s folder'll get a feel for it after you try it a few times.....although it does take up a bit of room, you'll save yourself time and cds in the process. It installs much faster from HD than cd, and you don't even need a burner!

  6. Games   -   #6
    I'm gonna try that ThE_MP3_G0d..



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