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Thread: Movies

  1. #1
    I have downloaded some movies and am now formatting them to MPEG using TMPGenc but it is so slow. Is there another programme i can use that can do it quicker.

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    TMPGenc works great, but its very slow, and its eats your computers resources. On the other hand, I have not found another program which does it any better. In fact, I believe that I read TMPGenc was optimized for the pentium 4 processor, though I haven't seen much improvement over my old P3.--

    Proud member of MDS

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    I believe its optimized for the P4. I can normally encode in the length of the movie. High quality= 2 hours (or add one hour) Highest quality= 3-4 hours (or add 2-4 hours)

    Encoding at different qualities will change your speeds a bit.

    Edit: Encoding in Normal= length of movie or usually one hours or less


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