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Thread: Bandwith At 1?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Highbury, England
    just a quick question. course im on a 56k modem, i only keep about 10 recent movies in my shared folder, so i can have a decent bandwith, and still share (the bloody essence of kazaa by the way for those nobheads who dont share&#33. but ive noticed that a lot of people cut you off if you dont share or your bandwith is 1, what does this mean?, and is the fact that no-one seems to be uploading off me recently hurting my chances of downloading myself?

    cheers for any helpful replies in advance.
    <span style='color:red'>&quot;a favour wil kill you faster than a bullet...........&quot;</span>

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Shouldn&#39;t hurt you to not have folks download from you much. Even people who don&#39;t share get there&#39;s just fine. You might try jumping nodes or sumpin.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Originally posted by newcombe6@5 February 2004 - 15:30
    but ive noticed that a lot of people cut you off if you dont share or your bandwith is 1, what does this mean?
    People that cut you off because they think you&#39;re not sharing are just plain stupid&#33;There&#39;s no way to be sure if someone is sharing or not.A lot of people hide their shared folder so that nobody(especially the RIAA) can see what they&#39;re sharing,but that doesn&#39;t mean they aren&#39;t sharing.People should stop whining and stop cutting people of.All they should be doing is downloading and uploading

    I never cut anyone of,because I&#39;m not the kind of guy that wants to check the folder of people that are downloading from me,just to see if they might have something I want.
    If there&#39;s something you want to download you just do a search for it on k-lite and not trough the folders of people that are downloading from you
    Ignorant people are a pain in the ass&#33;

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Leeds - Yorkshire - UK
    I agree just get on with it never cut users off by the way newcombe6 if you can use BT I would its is better for you 56k users.

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Highbury, England
    cheers for all the advice lads. appreciate it.
    <span style='color:red'>&quot;a favour wil kill you faster than a bullet...........&quot;</span>


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