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Thread: My Burning Program Won't Let Me Click On Video Cd

  1. #1
    I coverted my avi file of Bowling for Columbine and then when I went to my burning program, it wouldn't allow me to click on Video CD...does anybody know why that is? Is there anything I can do?? Is there any thing that I can download for free to put it on a VCD...I already have it converted. Please help. Thanks

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    ShareDaddy's Avatar OLD ShareDaddy
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    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by EvDawg247@5 March 2003 - 11:03
    I coverted my avi file of Bowling for Columbine and then when I went to my burning program, it wouldn't allow me to click on Video CD...does anybody know why that is? Is there anything I can do?? Is there any thing that I can download for free to put it on a VCD...I already have it converted. Please help. Thanks
    Nero, CDRWIN, etc. Do a search in the software world (or 30 days and older section of software world) for Nero and CDRWIN, Nero would be the one you want I think, latest and greatest is what you need (VCD and SVCD support). CDRWIN will also come in handy because it allows for a much more robust overburn should you ever have the need. Overburn way more than a normal CD normally allows with CDRWIN, Nero supposedly does also, but I have never actually had it work right for me.


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