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Thread: Had Enough!

  1. #11
    <span style='color:black'> I am a part of all that I have met - Lord Tennyson</span>
    <span style='color:blue'>Try not to let your mind is too small and fragile to be out by itself</span>

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    Mr. Mulder's Avatar pepper your angus BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@18 February 2004 - 21:14
    I think I should be given a big stick and allowed to thack anyone who wrongfully flames etc&#33;

    Jonno B)
    Image Resized
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    May you strike swiftly and truly Mr. Jonno

  3. Lounge   -   #13
    Gemby!'s Avatar Poster
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    you think it will snow tomorrow in london ?

    no - which is why you shouldn&#39;t leave
    Single handedly destroying the NHS from the inside

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    If everyone left and it was only me and NikkiD left .. I still wouldn&#39;t leave.
    Then again .... who would leave if they was alone with NikkiD anyway?

    I love this place ... always will and will never leave .. unless I&#39;m banned, which wont be happening for at least another two weeks. Remain positive ... thats what me try and do anyway.

  5. Lounge   -   #15
    thewizeard's Avatar re-member BT Rep: +1
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    Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@18 February 2004 - 20:45
    I&#39;ve been here since April last year, had so much fun, then before xmas , around the middle of November, it started to change, some of the old faces went, new faces coming in etc, normal kinda flow the same as RL really.
    But it just seems to have got like a pub the parents tell their kids to stay away from.
    Everyone fights so much, what happend to the laughs?

    Well personally I&#39;ve had enough of this fighting and flamming etc , so if something does&#39;nt change soon I&#39;m outta here&#33;

    Thats not a threat, that&#39;s a statement of fact.

    Jonno B)
    Jonno, you will never leave, admit it...not while NikkiD is here.....

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    JONNO_CELEBS's Avatar Densly Loadan BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    Originally posted by TRshady@18 February 2004 - 21:28
    If everyone left and it was only me and NikkiD left .. I still wouldn&#39;t leave.
    Then again .... who would leave if they was alone with NikkiD anyway?&nbsp;

    I love this place ...&nbsp; always will and will never leave .. unless I&#39;m banned, which wont be happening for at least another two weeks. Remain positive ... thats what me try and do anyway.
    That was a good coment

    You obviously don&#39;t see what I see, but if you do and can put up with it then maybe you&#39;re a better man than me.

    @Tra.......Thanks dude

    Ps....Could Tralala or a mod please edit that post, cos this is majorly kicked out page

    Jonno B)

    Edit: @Nigel........Thats an unfair card to play dude
    Thinking about 1
    My Place & Arcade

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    Agrajag's Avatar Just Lame
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    If you leave me now, you&#39;ll take away the biggest part of me.

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    My turn

    How about we all stop the complaining and the attention whoring, hmmm?
    None of these posts are going to change the attitude of the other members. If you want to leave then leave and stop bugging everyone with those stupid posts.

    Thank You

    Skweeky- Quite pissed off for the moment

    edit: And ffs don&#39;t start PM-ing me

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    This isn&#39;t a dig at anyone, so don&#39;t take it as such.

    Jonno, you&#39;re absolutely right.

    Where does the responsibility in this lie?

    So many want to point fingers to the mod team and the admins. It&#39;s an easy place to start and it just seems so logical. We&#39;ve always been here, since the beginning of the board. There&#39;s a few more of us now, a few different faces, but our modus operandi hasn&#39;t really changed all that much. If anything, we&#39;re more relaxed than we used to be. Don&#39;t believe me? If samsamsamsam had pulled that crap a year ago, he&#39;d have found his butt banned this morning, or at the very least, with two weeks moderation. Remember the SuperKilla incident? SuperJude, KillaSin and Romeo187 received much harsher punishment for that, even though it was Jude and Tommy&#39;s first offence. Okay, it was a little more severe an incident, but it was their first warning, this was samsamsamsam&#39;s 4th.

    Do we blame the admin&#39;s because of all the changes to the board? They&#39;re just trying to keep you guys happy. If they don&#39;t do anything, you complain. If they do something you complain. 7th as a host/admin is doing an incredible job. Since he has taken over, the downtime of the board has been almost nil. Remember what things were like when we had Jon as our host? 7th isn&#39;t afraid to try things out. If they work, great, if they don&#39;t well, at least he tried it. We&#39;re a huge board, and you can&#39;t please everyone, but negative comments don&#39;t help the situation. If you want to see changes, constructive criticism is always accepted much more openly than comments like "this sucks&#33;"

    Is it the members&#39; fault? We used to come to here to have fun, find help with p2p apps, generally shoot the shit and kick back. Why does it seem that we can&#39;t do that anymore? I can&#39;t describe it without singling people out, so I won&#39;t go into detail here, but it seems that what used to be jokes, fun, humour, laughter, debate, witty repartee, and ironic sarcasm has turned into spam, childish taunting, name calling, and flaming. We&#39;ve got the same people in one post berating us for being censors of the worst kind, and in the very next post, berating us for allowing certain language to be used on this board. Hipocrisy at it&#39;s finest. We&#39;ve got people biting each other&#39;s heads off because of differing opinions, duking it out publicly, making everyone look bad. We&#39;ve got people spamming crap for fun - I&#39;m not talking about amusing threads, the likes of fugley, or J&#39;Pol, even though they might be considered spam by some, they are entertaining. I&#39;m talking about starting the same topic, 15 times in 15 minutes, just to amuse oneself. Or like last night, bumping 50 old threads, just because you think it&#39;s fun. Really mature. Let&#39;s do a how to manual on how to kill the atmosphere of the lounge in 30 minutes or less. That would be in the top 5. How do people think that helps the atmosphere of the board? It doesn&#39;t. It adds fuel to the fire, it pisses people off, it fans the flames, and then we get a few days where the lounge is either dead, or full or negativity. Because one person thought they would have a little fun.

    It&#39;s everyone&#39;s responsibility here people. Members need to be a little more respectful of each other and the board itself. Mods and Admins do too. I think anyone who really cares about this place will take the time to think about what we really want out of it, and those who don&#39;t really care, well, we&#39;ll know who you are by your posts.


  10. Lounge   -   #20
    Agrajag's Avatar Just Lame
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    Originally posted by Skweeky@18 February 2004 - 21:46

    edit: And ffs don&#39;t start PM-ing me
    Is PM a verb / or do you just have PM Syndrome.

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